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Published July 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Cadiz, Kentucky. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Finance & Administration Cabinet, Division of Engineering & Contract Administration (DECA) is seeking full structural design services Phase A-D for the Kentucky Department of Parks, Lake Barkley State Resort Park. The structural engineer shall verify noted deficiency areas in the attached study and provide full design services for structural repairs/replacement work. The study is to be verified in field and updated as a part of Phase A design services. An initial bid package shall be developed for the critical structural repairs as indicated in the study. A subsequent phase of repairs will be done as a separate bid package/s as funding resources are available. DECA reserves the option to expand services or structural services at Lake Barkley as additional funding becomes available. CONSULTANT TEAM COMPOSITION The consultant team shall include, at a minimum, the following professional design Disciplines/Expertise. Disciplines/Expertise may reside in one or multiple persons/firms. The consultant team may include other expertise in additional to that listed below. o Structural Engineer INDICATION OF KENTUCKY REGISTRATION This project requires the services of an Architect and/or Engineer registered in Kentucky. Respondents are to provide, in their response submittal, Kentucky Architectural Registration or Kentucky Board of Registration for Professional Engineers numbers for each Architect and/or Engineer that will be providing services for this project. RESPONDENTS ARE TO PROVIDE REFERENCES Respondents are to provide a minimum of three (3) references from similar projects. These references are to include: name of project, address of project, date project completed, Construction amount, current contact person and phone number. PROJECT SCHEDULE Documentation of Existing Issues: Visit Parks within 3 weeks after award Phase A: 30 days Phase B: 15 days Phase C: 30 days Construction: TBD Initial phase of immediate structural repairs Subsequent phases of structural repairs as funding permits


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial


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July 31, 2023


3500 State Park Rd, Cadiz, KY

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