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Published September 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Berlin, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Inquiries can be directed to Darl Kolar, P.E., Project Manager, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC at 410-641-5341. The Project, of which the Work under the Contract Documents is a part, is generally described as follows: The work to be performed hereunder includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies, equipment, and appurtenances necessary for the complete, and in-place, satisfactory construction and testing of all work shown on the Drawings and required by the Contract for the Storm Drain Replacement Project SCOPE A. The work to be performed hereunder includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, transportation, tools, supplies, equipment, and appurtenances necessary for the complete, and in-place, satisfactory demolition, construction, and testing of all work shown on the Contract Document and required by the Contract for the 105 Washington Street Storm Drain Replacement Project. B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a complete project and any work that may be reasonably inferred as being required to produce a finished job for the intended purposes, and this work shall be completed whether such incidental or related work is explicitly stated in the Contract Documents. C. The project Work generally includes the following: Obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to the Town of Berlin, Chesapeake Utilities, and Verizon, required for removal, relocation, and replacement of the existing storm drain piping. The Town of Berlin will supply the 15" HDPE piping and flared end section. Demolish and remove portions of the existing concrete sidewalk and asphalt within the limits of the Right of Way per the Contract Drawings. Abandon the existing storm drainage pipes as shown on the Contract Drawings. Install 15" HDPE pipe (Supplied by the Town of Berlin) per the Contract Drawings. Furnish and install three precast concrete storm drainage structures. Two within the sidewalk along Washington Street and one within the proposed easement along the property line. Remove debris and unsatisfactory soils offsite. Concurrent with the proposed installation, abandon existing 15" storm drain piping. An area of approximately 75 linear feet adjacent to the pool shall be capped, filled,and abandoned in place with flowable cement backfill "Flowable Fill". Existing terracotta shall be crushed in place and backfilled. If other pipe materials are found, such as HDPE or CMP that was used in repair areas, these pipes shall be removed, backfilled, and hauled offsite. Spoils from the installation of the proposed piping may be used to infill the abandoned / demolished pipe trench back to its original grades. Work shall be completed using same day stabilization. Work shall be completed by connecting the installed pipe into the existing pipe at the end of each day in the event of overnight precipitation. A sandbag dike clearwater diversion to be installed within Bottle Branch. Bottle Branch shall be bypassed so that Class I riprap outfall protection and geotextile fabric can be installed. Backfill with suitable soils and aggregate as required. Testing of backfill materials in 12-inch lifts per requirements. Place base and surface asphalt per Town of Berlin standard asphalt section and as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Furnish and install concrete sidewalk and roadway asphalt restoration repairs. Topsoil, seed, and mulch all disturbed areas with the appropriate seed. Utilize turf reinforcement matting as required on sloped 3:1 or greater. Repair/Replace/Replenish all property objects in kind. (Driveways, light posts, landscaping, lawn, vegetation, signs, etc.) Furnish, install, maintain, and remove erosion and sediment control


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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