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Published September 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Fenton, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of September 21, 2022, project was awarded to Cook Excavating, awarded amount is $319,522.06.** Sealed Bids for construction of N. Long Lake Road 8" Sanitary Forcemain Extension and related appurtenances in the Charter Township of Fenton, Genesee, County, Michigan, as noted herein and on the Drawings, are solicited by the Genesee County Drain Commissioner, as County Agency, Division of Water and Waste Services pursuant to 1939 PA 342, of 4610 Beecher Road, Flint, Michigan, 48532 ("GCDC-WWS"). GCDC-WWS has pre-purchased the 8-inch DI sanitary sewer pipe, as well as the 8-inch bends and appurtences; all other materials, unless otherwise noted, shall be furnished by the successful Bidder. The Bids shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the Project title (and, if applicable, the designated portion of the Project for which the Bid is submitted), the name and address of Bidder and shall be accompanied by the Bid security and all of the documents required by Section 14.01 of the Instructions to Bidders. If a Bid is sent by mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope containing the Bid shall be enclosed in a separate envelope plainly marked on the outside with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. Bids are solicited under a general construction contract for furnishing and installing the following items with related appurtenances in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications entitled "N. Long Lake Road 8" Sanitary Forcemain Extension" and generally described as follows: Installation of 441 lft of 8" DI forcemain and 1136 lft of 12" SDR 26 PVC sanitary sewer. Additional work includes installation of new manholes, connections to existing sanitary sewer and forcemain and restoration. The above-referenced project is a federally funded activity authorized under the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recocery Fund (SLFRF), 31 CFR Part 35, as amended. All successful bidders must comply with federal labor standards, including the Davis-Bacon Act and the Copeland Anti-Kickback legislation; federal equal opportunity requirements.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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