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Published January 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

This work consists of furnishing all materials, labor, and manpower required to seal existing cracks on the surface of the Courts. Estimated quantities are shown below. Please note that if additional LF of crack sealing is required, the contractor WILL be paid for this. Memorial Basketball and Pickleball courts - no cracks - 0 LF Cochran Tennis - 400 LF Shaw Basketball - 250 LF Shaw Tennis - 700 LF Youngs Basketball - 275 LF Total estimated crack sealing = 1625 LF The work consists of removing all debris and blowing the cracks clean. Sealing the crack with an approved waterproof, flexible sealant that will prohibit water from entering and resist expansion and contraction of the crack. Request for Bids for paving, resurfacing and line painting on select basketball, tennis, and pickleball courts located on City Property, and Williamsport Area School District (WASD) Property. Physical work to begin in Spring 2023 (as soon as weather allows). There is no formal necessary completion date for this work, at this time. Also added to this contract is mandatory milling and repaving all of the courts, to provide a positive playing surface. The minimum depth is 1.5" (milling and paving). It is preferred to slope the courts to drain, at the rates/methods suggested by the respective sport specifications, to help alleviate surface ponding if possible. *There will be no asphalt index on this project. *The Contractor (or subcontractor) must provide previous project experience showing at least two (2) successful similar installs. This is a requirement to be awarded the project. This can be easily uploaded in the Supporting Documents in PennBid. *Crack sealing item has been added to this contract, to seal cracks after milling operations have ended. If additional crack sealing (beyond the proj quant) is required, this will be paid also, at the contract price. *Restoring the surrounding areas to existing conditions is a requirement of this project, which includes 2 courts (Cochran Tennis and Shaw Tennis) that would require removal and resetting fencing, for paving equipment access. This fence work is incidental to the project. The work locations and approximate areas to be resurfaced are as follows: Youngs Woods Basketball Court (1 court) - approx 6400 SF - adjacent Address - 457 Germania St Shaw Park Basketball Court (1 court) - approx 4990 SF - adjacent Address - 1525 Chestnut St Memorial Park Basketball Court (1 court) - approx 4150 SF - adjacent Address - 1643 Scott St Memorial Park Pickleball Courts (in its entirety) - approx 5950 SF - adjacent Address - 1643 Scott St Shaw Park Tennis Courts (all 4) - approx 26,000 SF - adjacent Address - 1525 Chestnut St Cochran School Tennis Courts (all 3) - approx 16,810 SF - adjacent Address - 428 Highland Terrace TOTAL SF = 64,300 SF (7145 SY) All of the locations are shown as Google Earth shapes, located in the documents folder. The shapes display the areas to be resurfaced on the above-mentioned courts. Contractors are to match existing colors for resurfacing. For courts that are currently unpainted (i.e...bare asphalt), paints colors will be selected through collaboration with the City. Resurfacing will consist of SPORTSMASTER SPORT SURFACES, or approved equal. The City will make the determination if a contractor submitted alternative as acceptable. New paint lines and striping are to match existing. The application of these lines is to be performed by the contractor and will be incidental to the resurfacing work. Contractors are strongly encouraged to field view the courts prior to bidding. There is not anticipated to be a pre-bid conference for this project, as the City will utilize the built-in question and answer capabilities. Due to the funding that will pay for this project, Federal Davis Bacon Wage Rates are required to be paid to workers on the project. A COMPLETE BID INCLUDES: 1) 5% Bid Bond 2) Required Bid Paperwork (enclosed in this Ad) 3) REQUIRED Non-Collusion Affidavit (enclosed in this Ad) 4) Bid dollar values for the pay items entered, and questions answered 5) Any additional items a bidder may want to include (proposal, past projects info, bond information, etc) A cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond, payable to the City of Williamsport, in an amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the largest possible total for the bid submitted, must accompany the bid. The successful bidder will be required to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws and regulations. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularity in the Bids and in the Bidding. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date bids are opened. Questions should be directed to Jon Sander, PE, Williamsport City Engineer. An advertised public bid opening will occur shortly after bid due date. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 12/19/2022 11:00 AM

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Williamsport, PA

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