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Published September 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Bethesda, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Sep 09, 2022 Contract Award Number: N40080-21-D-0028 Task/Delivery Order Number: N40080-22-F-4822 Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: QJ86ACLHAR21 Contractor Awarded Name: DESBUILD EG MANAGEMENT SERVICES JV LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Germantown, MD 20874-2645 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $4129000.00 NAVFAC Project No.: 1730824 NAVFAC ACQR No.: 5929647 Title: Renovate Naval Dental Postgraduate Dental School (NPDS), Building 1 All contractors shall propose on each Request for Proposal (RFP) issued under this contract, unless a written determination is forwarded to the Contracting Officer/Ordering Officer which documents why a contractor is unable to propose. This written determination will be forwarded to the Contracting Officer/Ordering Officer within 5 days after receipt of the RFP. If necessary, amendments, drawings, and specifications will be distributed to the POCs listed on the front page via DoD Secure Access File Exchange Services (SAFE): https://safe.apps.mil. Once the files are uploaded, an email will be sent from DOD SAFE to the recipient with a link and passcode. [Additional details can be viewed in the DoD SAFE User Guide available at https://safe.apps.mil]. Please download the files as soon as you receive an automated email from DOD SAFE as the passcode will expire. Title: Renovate Naval Dental Postgraduate Dental School (NPDS), Building 1 Location of the Work: NSA, Bethesda, MD Description of the Work: The work includes the renovation of the dental clinic rooms and furnishing with new caseworks in accordance with the design package and specifications. The work for the base bid includes professional design and construction services, labor, materials, tools, mobilization, transportation, supervision and equipment to accomplish all work to renovate 75 multiple Naval Postgraduate Dental School (NPDS) spaces in Bldg. 1 (Second Floor and Third Floor areas). Option 1 includes the removal, disposal, and installation of new vertical blinds in all dental rooms. Estimated Budget Amount or Price Range: In accordance with FAR 36.204 Disclosure of the Magnitude of Construction Projects, the estimated price range for this project is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. NAICS CODE: 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction Time for Completion: In accordance with FAR 52.211-10 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work, the Government desires completion of construction within 365 calendar days after award (includes 15 calendar days for submission and approval of bonds and insurance). Wage Determination: Department of Labor (DoL) General Decision Number MD20220043 07/08/2022 applies to this work. Should this wage determination be modified by DoL prior to award, the most current wage determination will be incorporated at the time of award. Project Title: WRNMMC-010 Renovate Main Entrance Solicitiation No.: N40080-22-R-9647 Project Location: NSA Bethesda, MD ACQR No.: 5929647 Liquidated Damages: In accordance with FAR 52.211-12 Liquidated Damages - Construction, Liquidated Damages will be assessed in the amount of $2,150 for each calendar day of delay. Utilities: In accordance with FAR 52.236-14 Availability and Use of Utility Services, when available, the Government will provide reasonable amounts of electric, water and compressed air for the work to be performed under this contract at no cost to the contractor. Add rates if Utilities are paid by the Contractor. Record Shop Drawings: In accordance with FAR 52.236.21 Specifications and Drawings for Construction, record shop drawings are required. Reproducible copies of these record drawings are also required. Bond Requirements: Bid Bonds are required in accordance with FAR 28.101-4 (for projects over $150,000). An electonic copy of your bid bond must be submitted with your proposal. A hard copy of your bid bond will be requested from the apparent low upon confimration of their price and must be submitted to the PCO office within one (1) buisness day from time of request. Failure to submit an electronic copy of your bid bond with your proposal will result in your proposal being deemed non-responsive and your proposal removed from consideration. In accordance with FAR 52.228-15 Performance and Payment Bond - Construction, Performance and Payment Bonds are required from the awardee and shall be submitted for approval to the Contracting Officer within 15 days after award of the Task Order. Commencement of construction is contingent upon approval of required bonds. Proposal Acceptance Period: Proposal acceptance period shall be 120 days from receipt of offers. Site Visit: Site visit is scheduled for 4 August 2022 at 10:00 am (EDT). There will only be one Government sponsored site visit. Please submit your name (LAST, FIRST as it appears on your driver's license) and name of your Company to Ana Marie Pagulayan at anamarie.t.pagulayan.civ@us.navy.mil, William Jaeger at william.h.jaeger.civ@us.navy.mil, Martha Chonna at martha.p.chonna.civ@us.navy.mil, and Dhanvir Arroyo at dhanvir.arroyo@navy.mil as soon as possible but no later than noon the day before the site visit for Base Access. Please submit Base Access request on behalf of your subcontractor. Please visit the link below to download Form SECNAV 5512/1, "Installation Access Request Form", complete and hand deliver the form to the Visitor Control Center the day of the Site Visit. https://ndw.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/NSA-Bethesda/About/Visitor-Control-Center/ Request for Information (RFIs): All inquiries must be made in writing and shall be submitted via email to Ana Marie Pagulayan at anamarie.t.pagulayan.civ@us.navy.mil no later than 11 August 2022 by 2:00 pm (EDT) with inquiries attached as a Word document (no tables please). Do not submit the same inquiry more than once. Please verify that inquiries submitted by you on behalf of your subcontractors are not duplicates. A response will be published via an amendment. Project Title: WRNMMC-010 Renovate Main Entrance Solicitiation No.: N40080-22-R-9647 Project Location: NSA Bethesda, MD ACQR No.: 5929647 Proposal Due Date: Tuesday, 23 August 2022 no later than 2:00 pm (EDT). LATE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The Proposal must be emailed to: Ana Marie Pagulayan, Contract Specialist, anamarie.t.pagulayan.civ@us.navy.mil Thuy Le, Contracting Officer, thuy.t.le.civ@us.navy.mil The proposal must be submitted via email to ALL of the emails listed above. Subject line should contain the ACQR number, Project Title, and contractor information. All amendments, drawings, and specifications will be distributed to the POCs listed on the front page via SAM.gov and DoDSafe (as needed). Please review your MACC award document for guidance on contract clauses and requirements that may pertain to this order. You are responsible to adhere to all applicable clauses, even if they are not restated in this RFP package or the task order award document. For clarification on any clause or other contractual issue please contact Ana Marie Pagulayan at anamarie.t.pagulayan.civ@us.navy.mil. ONLY CONTRACTORS ON BLUE SB MACC MAY SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THIS PROJECT *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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