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Published August 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Halifax, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Virginia Department of Transportation (herein referred to as "VDOT") is soliciting bids from qualified firms to design, fabricate and deliver a prestressed concrete voided solid slab superstructure and side mounted Thrie-Beam Guardrail components to the job site at Route 610 (Crystal Road), in Halifax County, Virginia. Any questions regarding this invitation for bid shall be addressed to Sandra Mullins at Sandra.Mullins@VDOT.virginia.gov. The issuing office shall determine whether any addendum should be issued as a result of any questions or other matters raised. For the purpose of clarification, each firm submitting a Bid is referred to as a "Bidder" and the Bidder awarded the contract to supply the services is referred to as a "Contractor". Virginia Department of Transportation is referred to as "Department" or as "VDOT", and "Representative" refers to the VDOT Contract Administrator who will be administering the contract. This Invitation for Bids states the instructions for submitting bids, the procedure and criteria by which a contract may be awarded, and the contractual terms which will exclusively govern the contract between VDOT and the Contractor. The superstructure shall be designed for HL-93 loading in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition, 2017; and VDOT Modifications. All design calculations (including all applicable code checks) shall be according to Load and Resistance Factor Design. Design, calculations performed in Allowable Stress Design will not be acceptable. Design loading allowances for construction tolerances (10 psf) and future wearing surface (15 psf) are given in the VDOT Structure and Bridge Division Instructional and Informational Memorandum IIM-S&B-80.6 (VDOT Modifications to AASHTO). The bridge structure shall also be designed with a 3" average asphalt concrete overlay. VDOT Design Aids are available from the VDOT website. These standards, design aids, and typical details shall be used to the maximum extent possible in the development of the plans. Details of the bridge and thrie-beam railing are attached. Follow Manual of the Structure & Bridge Division Part 5 Prestressed Concrete Adjacent Members Standards, see File Numbers PST-3 and PST-4 for solid exterior and voided interior prestressed slabs respectively. Superstructure design calculations and shop fabrication drawings for the superstructure and railing shall be approved by the Engineer prior to fabrication and delivery to site. Load rating of the "as-designed" superstructure shall be in accordance with the VDOT Structure and Bridge Division Instructional and Informational Memorandum IIM-S&B-86.4 using LRFR method and AASHTOWare Br\R software and be approved by the Engineer prior to delivery to site. "As-designed" load rating shall include the 15 psf future wearing surface. Design calculations, "as-designed" load rating, .xml files, and shop drawings for the superstructure shall be accomplished under the hand and seal of a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia. All shop drawings for the superstructure shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In advance of hard copy submittals one electronic copy of the signed and sealed shop drawings, design calculations, and "asdesigned" load rating calculations including .xml files for the superstructure shall be submitted to Todd.Moore@VDOT.Virginia.gov within 30 days of award of contract for review and approval. All materials and construction shall conform to the requirements of the 2020 Virginia Department of Transportation Road and Bridge Specifications: Sec. 214 - Hydraulic Cement, Sec. 215 - Hydraulic Cement Concrete Admixtures, Sec. 217 - Hydraulic Cement Concrete, Sec. 223 - Steel Reinforcement, Sec. 237 - Elastomeric Bearing Pads, Sec. 406 - Reinforcing Steel, Sec. 405 - Prestressed Concrete, Sec. 405 and 416 - Waterproofing, 2016 VDOT Road and Bridge Standards pertaining to the construction of precast concrete bridge structures. All reinforcing steel in the Prestressed Concrete Slabs shall be Corrosion Resistant Reinforcement (CRR), Class I and shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 334M/M 334-17 Type 1035 CS. All prestressing strands shall be ASTM A416 Grade 270 low-relaxation strands and shall be uncoated. Prestressed Concrete Slab Structure/Railing shall include the following: o Shall meet VDOT Precast Concrete Products QC & QA program. o Exterior slabs to be solid and have drip bead (per attached plan sheets) o (2) Elastomeric Bearing Pads 1/2 " x 18" x 25' (70 Durometer Hardness) o Top of slab sections, end of slab sections, and also exterior face of outside slab sections to be waterproofed per VDOT Specifications. (per attached plan sheets) o Epoxy Type EP-7 and Joint Fabric (waterproofing strips) for joints between slab sections. Joint fabric from the VDOT Special Products Evaluation List under Joint fabrics shall be provided. (per attached plan sheets) o Bridge Railing: VDOT Standard BTB-1 (per attached plan sheets) Bid to include rail posts, bolts, anchor assemblies, sleeves, barrier delineators, grounding materials and other associated metal parts as shown on the plan sheets. Thrie beam rails and railing to be purchased separately by VDOT. o Precast members to be furnished to accept two post-tensioned lateral ties at third points. Lateral post tensioning strands and required tensioning hardware ( 1/2 " diameter coated, low-relaxation Grade 270 strand - Polystrand or Equal) o Exterior slabs to be anchored using #8 CRR dowel (per attached plan sheets) o The fabricator/vendor shall provide OSHA approved lifting apparatus for handling the precast components from the crane hook down during the unloading procedure. VDOT will provide on-site mobile crane services for unloading purposes. o Slab sections shall not weigh more than 25 Tons. o On-site technical assistance if requested. Bid price shall include design, "as-designed" load rating, furnishing and correcting shop drawings for superstructure and fabrication of structure, furnishing structure, railing components, anchor materials, bearing materials, waterproofing joint fabric materials, delivery to the job site and all materials, labor, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Fabricator/vendor shall contact Mr. Doug Powell at (434) 250-7116, seven (7) calendar days prior to stated delivery date to finalize delivery and obtain directions. If Doug Powell is not available, contact Mr. Ryan Hagood at (434) 907-0355. Prestressed Concrete Slabs and BTB-1 Railing components are to be delivered to Route 610 (Crystal Road) in Halifax County Virginia. A Pre-Bid conference will not be held for this solicitation. Payment will be made (in accordance with the Virginia Prompt Payment Act) within 30 days after receipt of valid invoice and verification of satisfactory goods received and/or completion of work. Invoices shall be submitted to the address listed below for all items completed within the designated billing period. Payment will be made via check, ACH, or EDI. Payment may also be made via P-Card for invoices within the P-Card limit if the Contractor accepts the State's Small Purchase Charge Card. For questions about eVA please contact eVA Customer Care center at eVACustomerCare@DGS.Virginia.gov. For questions about electronic payments please contact DOA at (804) 692- 0473 or via email at: edi@doa.virginia.gov. Invoices shall be submitted upon delivery and acceptance by VDOT to the address and section listed below. Invoices shall include the contract number, purchase order number, itemized quantities, unit price, and extended costs based on the contract pricing schedule. No payment will be made for work in progress on the prescribed payment dates. Work completed will be verified in writing by a VDOT Representative and Contractor Foreman on an agreeable format. In lieu of mailing, invoices may be submitted as an attachment via email to Todd.Moore@VDOT.Virginia.gov and carbon copy (CC) Ryan.Hagood@VDOT.Virginia.gov. All bids must be submitted electronically online via eVA using the Bidder's established eVA Supplier Account. The entire bid response including any / all attachments and any / all addenda must be submitted electronically in eVA no later than the closing date and time stated on the electronic solicitation posting. Faxed, emailed, mailed or hand-delivered bids will not be accepted. To submit an online bid, please refer to the online bidding instructions. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure the bid and all required attachments are properly completed, readable and uploaded to eVA by the date and time deadline stated on the electronic solicitation posting. Bidders should allow sufficient time to account for any technical difficulties they may encounter during online submission or uploading of documents. In the event of technical difficulties, suppliers should contact eVA Customer Care at 1-866-289-7367 or via email at eVACustomerCare@DGS.Virginia.gov. Bids will be opened at the time stated on the reminders page of the electronic posting of this solicitation, and their contents per the Virginia Public Procurement Act and Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual, will be made public for the information of bidders and others interested. The bid opening will begin promptly at the time indicated. At the start of the conference the VDOT Representative will conduct a roll call to identify the individuals participating on the call. Participants will be requested to provide their names, company and contact information during the roll call. If you are unable to access the teleconference at the scheduled time please contact the Contract Officer via email and a bid reading will be provided. The provisions of 2.2-4342 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, shall be applicable to the inspection of bids received. The Commonwealth will make the award on a GRAND TOTAL basis to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The purchasing office reserves the right to conduct any test it may deem advisable and to make all evaluations. The Commonwealth also reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, to waive informalities and to delete items prior to making the award, whenever it is deemed in the sole opinion of the procuring public body to be in its best interest. Any bid in response to this solicitation shall be valid for sixty (60) days. At the end of the sixty (60) days the bid may be withdrawn at the written request of the bidder. If the bid is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the solicitation is canceled.


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State Rte 610, Halifax, VA

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