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Published September 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Baker Lake, Nunavut. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This Scope is to fix an interior sewage tank at unit 224D that fell through the floor and to fix the floor in the adjacent unit that is also showing signs of water damage. The power supply for units 224D and unit 224B needs to be repaired. Contractor must take caution to reduce the risk of sewage spills, if any sewage spill occurs the contractor will be responsible for all associated cost in the clean up of the spill. Demolition 224D Remove the existing floor joists, old flooring and insulation in the crawl space. Remove any other rot and support the unit if needed. Remove any broken Plumbing pipes. Remove the electrical feeder. Remove any electrical fittings or devices that broke due to damage by the sewage tank. Shut off power and remove the existing float switch on the sewage tank. Remove any damaged drywall Inspect for any mold growth (remediate if, required). Dispose of all the material in the demolition. Demolition 224B Prepare area for old interior sewage tank removal, empty tanks & and disconnect all electrical devices. Disconnect tank at slip joint connection on waste line and cap all penetrating lines on old tank to prevent spills. Shut off power and remove the existing float switch Remove sewer tank from the crawlspace Remove flooring in the crawlspace Remove any floor joists that are rotten, inspect for anymore rot and replace Inspect for any mold growth (remediate if required). Clean up all the old debris around the jobsite Execution – New Work Bring the old sewage tank back inside unit. (Unit 224D) Replace the doubled up 2” X 10” floor joist on 24” centers and any other structural framing that was damaged by rot Install New insulation in the floor cavity Install Tyvek (facing the exterior), plywood (plywood exposed to the elements should be replaced with pressure treated material or sealed to prevent damage from moisture. All exterior joints caulked and capped with 1x3 lumber) New insulation, 6 mil poly vapor barrier (facing the interior) sealed at joints (6" overlap and joined on a structural member) and perimeter and all penetrations with acoustical sealant. All work to be done in accordance with National building codes. Install new ½ plywood sheeting underneath unit to cover up any exposed vapor barrier Cover the interior structural flooring members with 3/4 plywood and screwed 4” on center along edges and floor joists. Replace any damaged conduit for the electrical service and the cable service. All pipes are to be strapped securely and connectors must be suitable for wet locations according to CEC. Check electrical supply wire for any damages. If the wire is damaged install new cable This must comply with the latest edition of the CEC. All electrical work to be carried out under the supervision of a licensed electrician. Fix any Electrical that was damaged due to the floor collapsing. Install a new berm in the crawlspace, use minimum 45mil EPDM rubber roofing membrane sealed and overlapped at least 4” on the joints. Use 2 - 2” X 8” for the curb around the berm. Reposition old sewage tank in the crawl space Plumb existing drain lines to sewar tank with ¼” per foot slope towards the new sewage tank. Ensure the pump out is sloped towards the sewage tank and all pipes are properly supported New Float switch to be: Connected to unit’s solenoids and Set float switch to interrupt the supply of the hot and cold water, once the level of fluid in the sewage holding tank reaches 4” from the top of the sewage holding tank. Tested to ensure it is working. If the solenoids are not working, they must be fixed so that they shut off both hot and cold water. Installed within 6” from the manhole cover. Cover and seal any old holes in the sewage tank. Replace any drywall that was removed or damaged then plaster and paint to match adjacent drywall Install any baseboard that was removed. All Construction methods to conform to the NBC (National Building Code) Cleanup Supply all labor and equipment for clean-up throughout the construction period of this contract and a final clean-up at the construction end. Contractor shall dispose of old used materials in accordance with all Federal and Nunavut Territorial requirements. OTHER BID: Workflow Construction Inc $330,000


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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August 31, 2022

September 12, 2022


Multiple Locations, Baker Lake, NU

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