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Published October 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Portage, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

In accordance with Section 1267 of the Revised School Code each bid must be accompanied by a sworn and notarized Familial Disclosure Statement completed by the bidder disclosing any familial relationship between the Owner or any employee of the Bidder and any member of the District's Board of Education or the Superintendent of the District. BID SECURITY - PERFORMANCE BONDS Each bid shall be accompanied by good and sufficient bid security or bid bond in an amount not less than 5% of the Bid amount and shall secure the Owner from loss or damage by reason of the withdrawal of the Bid by a Bidder or by failure of the successful Bidder to enter into a Contract with the Owner if his Bid is accepted by the Owner. Bid securities will not be released or returned until the bid "hold-firm" date or a subcontract has been successfully executed for the specific bid category of work, whichever occurs first. Bid security may be provided by furnishing a bond from a surety company having a rating of A- or better or certified check. Owen-Ames-Kimball is not responsible for the loss of bid security if provided by certified check. The successful Bidder will be required to secure Performance, Labor and Material bonds for all contracts exceeding $50,000, from a surety company having a rating of A- or better, for the full amount of the Contract. Bid result Bid Category No. 01 - Aluminum, Glass & Glazing -Reliable Glass Installers -$1,160,320 Bid Category No. 02 - Irrigation - Landscaping Plus - $76,620 Bid Category No. 03 - Divider Curtains - Bareman & Associates - $60,667

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1000 Idaho Ave, Portage, MI

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