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Published September 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Boise, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

W911SA-18-D-2006 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Contract Specialist: Crystal Johnson Phone: 608-388-4671 E-mail: crystal.j.johnson27.civ@army.mil Contracting Officer: Steve Bailey Phone: 608-388-6077 Email: steven.m.bailey2.civ@army.mil In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the President's declaration of a National Emergency concerning COVID-19 on 13 March 2020, MICC Ft McCoy is following the recommended safety guidelines imposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( ) to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, therefore, the procedures for bid submission and public bid openings are hereby changed as detailed in the following paragraphs. See Pages 4 and 5 for full details on bid submission. Please note: The time the Bid is due is different from the time of the Public Bid Opening. This will allow time for bids to be downloaded from SAFE in order to be read aloud during the Public Bid Opening teleconference. Late Bids received after the Bid Due date/time will not be considered for award; even if they are received before the Public Bid Opening. Screen Shots of the SAFE submission will be taken to confirm each contractor bid was received by the bid due date/time. Bid Due Date: Sept 19th, 2022 BidDue Time: 11:00 AM CST Bid Opening Time: 1:00 PM CST SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Contract Specialist: Crystal Johnson Phone: 608-388-4671 E-mail: crystal.j.johnson27.civ@army.mil The magnitude of this project is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: 365 Days after Notice to Proceed Include the following within the sealed bid package: 1) Completed SF1442 with acknowledgement of all amendments 2) Completed Attachment 5, SF24 3) Any additional verification documents BID SUBMISSION: Due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis, electronic bids submitted through DoD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) (https://safe.apps.mil) will be the only accepted method for submission of bids for this solicitation. Traditional paper bids will not be accepted. Non-CAC users will not have the capability to upload proposals or documents without a Drop-Off request. Offerors must send an email to the Contract Specialist at crystal.j.johnson27.civ@army.mil to receive a Drop-Off request; please include the solicitation number in the subject line of the email. Once the Offeror receives the Drop-Off request, the Drop-Off can only be accessed for a period of 14 days to upload files. We request that you submit your request for a Drop-Off no sooner than two to three days prior to the submission due date because all uploaded files will be automatically deleted from DoD SAFE 7 days after upload. Offeror's are reminded to allow sufficient time for their submittals' files to upload, transmit, and timestamp. W911SA22B2016 Page 4 of 31 Therefore, waiting until the last minute to attempt transmission of your proposal could result in your submittal being deemed late should the website encounter performance or technical issues. Public Bid Openings: Due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis, the Public Bid Opening for this solicitation will be conducted via teleconference. To attend the Public Bid Opening teleconference, any interested party must submit an email request to the Contract Specialist crystal.j.johnson27.civ@army.mil prior to the Bid Opening time in order to access the teleconference. The Contract Specialist will provide you the phone number and attendee passcode for attendance. Once the teleconference has begun, no access information will be distributed, and no information will be repeated for late attendees. The public bid opening will occur two hours after the due date and time specified for bids in order to facilitate the transfer bid submission via DoD SAFE to the MICC as well as set up the teleconference call. Please note: The time the Bid is due is different from the time of the Public Bid Opening. This will allow time for bids to be downloaded from DoD SAFE in order to be read aloud during the Public Bid Opening teleconference. Late Bids received after the Bid Due date/time will not be considered for award; even if they are received before the Public Bid Opening. Screen Shots of the DoD SAFE submission will be taken to confirm each contractor bid was received by the bid due date/time. Bid abstracts and Screen Shots of the DoD SAFE submission will be posted on beta.sam.gov at the conclusion of the Public Bid Opening Teleconference. The bidder's failure to include information required by this solicitation may result in the bid submission being found non-responsive and may therefore be ineligible for award. A site visit is scheduled for August 25, 2022 at 1:00pm Local time. Please follow current Guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you have any symptoms or are unsure of your COVID-19 status, please do not attend the site visit. Please follow Guidelines for self-isolation if you have any symptoms as identified by the . For Site Visit information, see Site Visit clause 52.236-27, Alternate 1 in Section 00100. Unless you already have a permanent vehicle pass, you will be required to obtain a one-day vehicle pass. You will be required to present the following information at the Visitor's Center: (1) vehicle registration, (2) valid driver's license, (3) or car rental agreement (if applicable). It is highly recommended that bidders plan to arrive at the Visitor's Center at least an hour prior to the scheduled time for the site visit. The conference will begin promptly without considerations for late or lost bidders; no subsequent site visits will be considered. Remarks, explanations and answers provided by Government representatives before, during and after the site visit shall not change or qualify any of the terms or conditions of the solicitation. The solicitation can only be changed by a formal written amendment issued by the Fort McCoy Contracting Office. Please utilize the time before the site visit to review and become familiar with all the documents. Questions will not be answered at the site visit. All questions must be emailed to the Contract Specialist by the deadline stated in the solicitation. All questions will be answered and an amendment will be posted to beta.sam.gov showing all questions received and all applicable answers. Please check sam.gov for all amendments and updated documents before your firm submits a quote. W911SA22B2016 Page 5 of 31 Any questions concerns, verification or clarification of information of the documents included in the solicitation package shall be submitted in writing and submitted to the Contract Specialist identified herein no later than 4:00 PM, local time on August 31th, 2022. Include in the subject line of the email the Government's solicitation number; failure to do so will lessen the Government's ability to ensure all questions are considered during the bidding process. Provide your company name, POC and contact information in the body of the email. Officer: Steve Bailey Phone: 608-388-6077 Email: steven.m.bailey2.civ@army.mil In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the President's declaration of a National Emergency concerning COVID-19 on 13 March 2020, MICC Ft McCoy is following the recommended safety guidelines imposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( ) to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, therefore, the procedures for bid submission and public bid openings are hereby changed as detailed in the following paragraphs. See Pages 4 and 5 for full details on bid submission. Please note: The time the Bid is due is different from the time of the Public Bid Opening. This will allow time for bids to be downloaded from SAFE in order to be read aloud during the Public Bid Opening teleconference. Late Bids received after the Bid Due date/time will not be considered for award; even if they are received before the Public Bid Opening. Screen Shots of the SAFE submission will be taken to confirm each contractor bid was received by the bid due date/time. Bid Due Date: Sept 19th, 2022 BidDue Time: 11:00 AM CST Bid Opening Time: 1:00 PM CST Provide all parts, labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation, and supervision necessary to renovate OMS & construct w ash rack at COL Pickney Lugenbeel Army Reserve Center in Boise, ID in accordance w ith the specifications, draw ings, and contract docu BID GUARANTEE (SEP 1996) (a) Failure to furnish a bid guarantee in the proper form and amount, by the time set for opening of bids, may be cause for rejection of the bid. (b) The bidder shall furnish a bid guarantee in the form of a firm commitment, e.g., bid bond supported by good and sufficient surety or sureties acceptable to the Government, postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, or, under Treasury Department regulations, certain bonds or notes of the United States. The Contracting Officer will return bid guarantees, other than bid bonds, (1) to unsuccessful bidders as soon as practicable after the opening of bids, and (2) to the successful bidder upon execution of contractual documents and bonds (including any necessary coinsurance or reinsurance agreements), as required by the bid as accepted.- (c) The amount of the bid guarantee shall be 20% percent of the bid price or $3,000,000 whichever is less.- *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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4275 W Harvard St, Boise, ID

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