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Site work for a water / sewer project in Sacramento, California. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Last day to submit questions August 10, 2022 This Project Will Provide A New, Ada Compliant, Floating Restroom For Use On California Lakes. The Two-unit Restroom Float Is 11'-9"X20'-3". Frame Is Aluminum Members With Pultruded Fiberglass And Aluminum Plate Deck Kept Afloat With Foam Filled Aluminum Pontoons. The Float Will Have Two 5'-5"x10' Buildings Containing: Two Plumbed Restrooms, A Plumbing Room, And Electrical Room, Sewage Will Be Collected In A 435 Gallon Double-lined Stainless Steel And Aluminum Holding Tank. The Restroom Will Be Moored And Secured By District Staff. Questions regarding this Event must be submitted in writing to the Procurement Official specified on the Event package cover page, per the instructions outlined in the Event package. Bidders requiring clarification of the intent or content of this IFB or on procedural matters regarding the competitive IFB process may request clarification by submitting questions by the date(s) identified in the key action dates or two days prior to the bid due date (if no key action dates), via email to both the Procurement Official and Backup Procurement Official identified in this IFB. If a Bidder submits a question after the scheduled date(s), the State will attempt to answer the question but does not guarantee that the answer will be prior to the bid due date. Note: Answers to all questions will be posted via an Event/Solicitation Addendum. This project shall consist of constructing and delivering five (5) floating restrooms to various locations in California. The specific locations are listed in Section 6: Delivery. This work shall include furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the project. Each floating restroom shall be a complete operating unit composed of a plywood panel/wood frame superstructure; fiberglass deck; aluminum frame and substructure; aluminum holding tanks; foam filled aluminum flotation pontoons; flush toilets, and miscellaneous components. The floating restrooms shall be delivered as directed by GRANT ADMINISTRATOR and shall be launched and demonstrated in the water for final inspection including flotation testing at the delivery site, prior to acceptance. The exact locations for the delivery of the restrooms may vary, no additional costs will be allowed for any location changes

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work




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August 19, 2022

September 19, 2022


Multiple Locations, Sacramento, CA

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