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Site work for a road / highway in Cody, Wyoming. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Contract Number: N311105 County: Park District: District 5 Bid Items Version#: #1 Work Type: Electrical Work Follow up question and answer session 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. This meeting will cover administration of the contract, sequencing and other related items. Questions are encouraged at the pre-bid meeting. No individual showings will be given. Attendance list requests are to be emailed to the engineer ( The pre-bid meeting minutes will be available as an addenda. Electrical, structure, traffic control and miscellaneous work on approximately 1.00 mile on US 14/16/20 beginning at RM 45.00 between Yellowstone National Park and Cody. The Department of Transportation places the responsibility for the delivery of the bids to the letting with the bidder. Bidders may elect to have their bids delivered by any delivery service, or may hand carry their bids to the above street address. Any bids received at the letting after 9:00 AM on the above date will be returned to the bidders unopened. For questions regarding ICX bidding software, please contact Mark Janicek in the Contracts & Estimates office. Office number (307) 777-4214, Mobile: (307) 630-4727 (Available the day prior to and day of letting). In the event Mark is unavailable, please call: Contracts & Estimates. Office number: (307) 777-4487. The Wyoming Department of Transportation reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Each proposal must have a verified electronic bid bond number or be accompanied by a cashier's check, made payable to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OF WYOMING in the minimum amount of ten (10) per cent of the contractor's bid. Bids on all projects in this letting will be received until the time previously specified in this invitation for bids and then will be opened and read. The order of opening bids will not necessarily be the same as projects are listed in the advertisement. Any contractor who is bidding on a project or projects may, upon written request, withdraw any or all of his other bids prior to the reading of subsequent bids. A time period will be allowed between the reading of bids on individual projects to permit contractors to submit a written request to withdraw bids. A contractor will be permitted to bid on work totaling more than his prequalification, providing that no one contract exceeds this approved amount, with the understanding that if he is apparent low bidder on work totaling the amount for which he is prequalified, less that amount of all outstanding work either as a prime or subcontractor, all other bids submitted by him may be rejected by the commission. No bid will be considered except from those contractors prequalified to bid in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Transportation Commission of Wyoming. All prospective bidders are requested to submit prequalification statements a minimum of two weeks in advance of the date of the letting as indicated in the prequalification instructions and requirements. The bids of contractors who are not prequalified as required prior to the time of opening bids will not be read or considered. The minimum rates of wages specified in the contract shall apply to all projects in this invitation and are set forth in the special provisions attached to the proposal form. The working hours on all interstate projects are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, PL 87-581 and implementing regulations, said act relates to and authorizes overtime work. Submission of proposals containing unbalanced bids on any items may be cause for rejection of the entire proposal. All proposal guaranties, except that of the lowest bidder, will be returned immediately following the opening and checking of the proposals. The proposal guaranty of the successful bidder will be returned after a satisfactory bond has been furnished and the contract has been executed. Bid bonds furnished as proposal guaranties will be returned only upon request. WYDOT - Call Order 001 - Yellowstone National Park - Cody (Cody Tunnels)


Roads / Highways


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