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Published October 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a medical facility in Prosser, Washington. Completed plans call for the demolition of a medical facility; and for the construction of a medical facility.

Bouten Construction Company has been selected as the GC/CM on the Prosser Memorial Health - Replacement Hospital project (PMHRH).We are inviting you to bid on this project. Below is important information and dates to bid this project. The project site is located in the city of Prosser at 200 Prosser Health Drive. It will occupy a 30-acre parcel with 101,000sf of buildings and associated sitework. This is a new two-story Critical Access Hospital, medical office building, and maintenance building. The estimated construction cost is approximately $70,000,000 with construction beginning in November 2022 and completion by November 2024. Bouten Construction Company is soliciting bids from suppliers and subcontractors to furnish and/or perform work at the Prosser Memorial Health Replacement Hospital project in Prosser, WA. Bouten Construction Company will enter into contracts with all subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors involved in this project, and will serve as General Contractor / Construction Manager for the project. Below is the bid schedule for each Bid Package: BP # Bid Package Description Bid Date Bid Time BP-24 Interior Specialties* Bid Package Notes: *GC/CM will be bidding BP-02, BP-12, BP-15, & BP-24. No bidder may withdraw its bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, unless the award of the contract is delayed for a period exceeding 90 calendar days. Bids received after the date and time stated above WILL NOT receive consideration. Any firm failing to submit its proposal in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Instructions to Bidders may be considered non-responsive. Successful bidders for this work will be subcontracting directly with Bouten Construction Company using the Bouten Construction Company Subcontract Agreement and/or Purchase Agreement included as an exhibit in each Bid Package. BID GUARANTEE A bid guaranty must be submitted with the bid for all bid amounts equal to or greater than $300,000. A surety company bid bond on the bid bond form provided in each bid package, standard AIA bid bond form, a cashier's check, or certified check payable to the order of Bouten Construction Company, must accompany each such bid and shall be in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid that may be awarded including the base bid and any additives and/or alternates. Failure of the bidder to provide an acceptable bid guarantee with the bid shall render the bid non-responsive. PAYMENT & PERFORMANCE BOND All subcontractors shall provide separate payment and performance bonds by a qualified surety company acceptable to the GC/CM, each for 100% of the contract sum including all change orders and alternates, when this amount is equal to or greater than $300,000. The cost of the payment and performance bonds must be included in their bid amount. The successful subcontractor will have 3 business days from the time of request to supply these bonds to the GC/CM. If the subcontractor is unable to supply separate payment and performance bonds, the GC/CM may reject their bid and elect to use the next responsible bidder. QUESTIONS Questions that develop during the bid period must be faxed or emailed to Bouten Construction Company Attn: Sean Gossett Tel: (509) 943-7677 or email: seang@boutenconstruction.com. DO NOT present questions to the Owner, Architect, or Engineers. All written questions and their answers will be published via addenda during the bid period. Questions for all packages are due by 5:00PM on August 12, 2022. MWBE GOALS Prosser Memorial Health and Bouten Construction Company are committed to the participation in its contracts by MWBE firms certified by the State of Washington's Office of Minority and Womens Business Enterprises (OMWBE). No minimum level of MWBE participation shall be required as a condition of this subcontract, however MWBE participation is strongly encouraged. REJECTION OF BIDS Prosser Memorial Health reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bids received.




Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work





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August 30, 2022

November 1, 2022


200 Prosser Health Drive, Prosser, WA

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