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Published October 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Madison, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of October 18, 2022, this project is in the conceptual phase. An architect has not been selected. Although a firm timeline for construction has not been determined, construction is not expected to start prior to October 2023. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: A. Project Background Madison Public Schools and the Town of Madison "Town" is seeking one qualified engineering firm "Engineer" to provide MEP services related with HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), electrical power and distribution upgrades to the Polson Middle School, and geothermal studies to serve the school. The project was approved through referendum on February 15, 2022. The intended project approach divides the total project scope into two (2) phases. The initial RFP (Phase 1) will include development of schematic design (SD) documents and specifications for a comprehensive HVAC, electrical power, distribution upgrade to the Polson Middle School and the feasibility study for installing a geothermal system. The award of the initial schematic design effort does not guarantee that the full design effort will be awarded to the selected firm. The Phase 2 scope will generally consist of competing construction documents, bid support, construction administration, and project close-out. Based on the Town approved SD documents and professional estimates, the Town may elect to negotiate with the selected firm or solicit pricing from the remaining qualified firms who respond to this RFQ/P. Madison Public Schools and the Town of Madison "Town" is seeking one qualified engineering firm "Engineer" to provide MEP services related with HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), electrical power and distribution upgrades to the Polson Middle School, and geothermal studies to serve the school. The project was approved through referendum on February 15, 2022. The intended project approach divides the total project scope into two (2) phases. The initial RFP (Phase 1) will include development of schematic design (SD) documents and specifications for a comprehensive HVAC, electrical power, distribution upgrade to the Polson Middle School and the feasibility study for installing a geothermal system. The Phase 2 scope will generally consist of competing construction documents, bid support, construction administration, and project close-out.




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