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Published August 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Onamia, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Community Development, is seeking proposals from qualified Glass Installation Contractors for Time and Material Service Contracts. This service contract shall be a one year contract to be utilized by Community Development/ Housing Department for multiple small residential window or glass replacement projects; and possibly a few small commercial window or glass replacement projects. This will help to eliminate the delays often encountered with small service contracts, and will decrease the amount of administrative time spent on small projects. Projects to be covered under the annual contract will be small projects; or service calls deemed to be emergencies. When possible the contractor will provide the Mille Lacs Band Community Development staff with a cost estimate prior to performing any work. Also, if the Contractor begins work on a project and encounters a substantial change in the projects work scope, the Contractor is responsible for notifying the Mille Lacs Band as soon as possible and prior to performing any work not already approved. The Contractor may be called and dispatched to a project at any time. The Contractor is expected to provide service in a timely manner. Contractor is responsible for contacting Toby Egan, Mille Lacs Band Building Official, on each project to determine whether or not a permit will be required. Contractors are responsible for securing all applicable permits and supplying the Mille Lacs Band with copies of any inspections conducted and will not be paid without this documentation. Annual service to District I, District IIA & District II is estimated to be $40,000.00, this amount includes service to the urban area. Annual Service to District III is estimated to be $20,000.00. Upon approval of proposals, a Service Contract shall be awarded for a one-year period ending September 30, 2023 for a not to exceed amount. There may be one or two service contracts awarded depending on how many proposals are received to provide service to each district. Depending on necessity less than the awarded contract amount may be used for the year. In the event that additional dollars need to be added to the service contract, the Contractor agrees to continue providing service at the rates provided in their original proposal. Contractor shall have the responsibility to keep accurate records for the project and submit invoicing to Community Development. Each invoice must be itemized and reference: the actual date of service; number of hours and rate charged for labor; and a detailed list of materials and supplies used, as well as, proof of price that the contractor paid for materials to verify the percentage of mark-up. Invoice amount will be verified, paid, and deducted from the total contract amount. Your proposals shall include the following: Standard Labor Rate: Submit all labor rate levels that may be charged. Which MLBO Districts you will work: District I (Onamia), District IIA (Isle), District II (Aitkin, East Lake, McGregor), District III (Hinckley, Lake Lena) and Urban Area. Proposals may be selective or to provide service to all districts. Trip Charge Rate, if applicable, or flat labor rate for travel. Material Mark-up Percentage. Profit and Overhead Percentage. Provide a signed proposal including all of the above information. This will be used in lieu of the MLBO Schedule of Values form and in addition to the standard MLBO bid form. On the bid form please reference the following: a. Job/Project: FY2023 Small Projects: Glass b. On the labor and materials bid lines, reference the attached Proposal with the rates and percentages required. c. Include all other MLBO Bid Attachments as required on the General Bid Form. Copy of a current MLB Vendors License. (or a copy of submitted application) Copy of current certificate of insurance. Copy of an authorized signature sheet if one is not already on file with the Mille Lacs Band. The Band reserves the right to reject any bid that it is unable to collect at the Onamia post office by the bid deadline date and time, provided that the Band has made diligent and reasonable efforts to collect the bid. The Band reserves this right even in the event that the bid has been postmarked before the deadline. Please note that the bids submitted via mail to the P.O. Box. FedEx and UPS will not deliver to a P.O. Box and the Onamia post office will not accept hand delivered items. Please plan accordingly to ensure the timely receipt of your bid submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Mark Goede at (320) 532-4654 or via email: d1housing.maint@millelacsband.com Contractors must be licensed with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe. Call Elizabeth Thornbloom with any questions 320-532-8274 or email: EThornbloom@grcasinos.com Contractors must possess a valid Minnesota Contractors License. I agree to hold this bid open for a period of 60 days after the bid opening. If this bid is accepted I agree to execute a Contract and/or a Purchase Order with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe along with furnishing all required bonding (if required) and insurances.


Residential Subdivision

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Onamia, MN

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