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Published August 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Vernal, Utah. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Uintah County is accepting statements of qualifications from qualified engineering firms (firm) which have five (5) years or more experience in providing municipal engineering services as outlined in the Scope of Services section of this request. The County intends to enter into a contract for municipal engineering services, as outlined in the Scope of Services section of this request. The County is requesting municipal engineering services mainly relating to UDOT funding obtained to complete an active transportation plan in the Ashley Valley area, further identified below: Uintah County Active Transportation Plan - Scope of Work The Uintah County Active Transportation Plan 2021 will focus on active transportation opportunities and feasibility in the Ashley Valley area of Uintah County. Specifically, the two areas that have been identified for this study are the Ashley Creek Trail and 500 South transportation corridor. The plan will identify and categorize need and design criteria for active transportation along each of these routes. The following list of items will be prepared for both the Ashley Creek Trail and 500 South Corridor. At least one public meeting for discussing the projects and to receive input from public/adjacent property owners is anticipated to be required. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS CONTENT: Each statement of qualifications must include, as a minimum, the following information: a. Name, address, email and telephone number of the firm submitting the proposal along with the name of the contact person responsible throughout the contract duration. b. The size of the firm's staff, local and entire company, and services available to be provided. c. A list of City, County or State references for whom the firm has worked in the last 5 years including names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least 3 individuals or organizations familiar with the firm's performance on similar projects. d. Identification and role of key individuals on the consultant/engineering team. A short resume for each member of the consultant/engineering team should be provided. Please indicate in what office each individual is located. e. A description of completed active transportation planning and improvement projects that demonstrate the firm's experience providing engineering services as outlined in the Scope of Services. f. An example of at least 2 similar active transportation master plans completed by the firm in the last 5 years. g. A description of specific knowledge or understanding of Uintah County's infrastructure that may provide added value to the plan. h. A work plan and scope showing what your firm would provide Uintah County in an active transportation plan related to the information shown above. The work plan should include estimated hours to complete each task. i. A Firm Fee Schedule. Evaluation Criteria All statements will be evaluated and ranked according to the following point system. A. Firm History & Qualifications (30 POINTS AVAILABLE) B. Related work experience and sample plans/reports (40 POINTS AVAILABLE) C. References (30 POINTS AVAILABLE) Notes & Disclaimers: Uintah County reserves the right to reject all proposals. Uintah County also reserves the right to waive any irregularity, informality, or technicality in the proposals at its sole discretion. All costs related to the preparation of proposals and any other related activities are the sole responsibility of the applicant. Uintah County assumes no liability for any costs incurred by applicants throughout the entire selection process. The selected firm will be asked to provide a proposed scope and cost for negotiation following the selection.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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August 28, 2023


Multiple Locations, Vernal, UT

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