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Published October 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, asbestos abatement and renovation of a municipal facility in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; and for asbestos abatement for a municipal facility.

Work Description - The Work, Cadillac Place - Upgrade (Electrical) Infrastructure, Agency No. 171 DTMB File No. 171/ 20107.MNB includes, but is not necessarily limited to: The work is located at Cadillac Place, Detroit, Michigan. The facility is operated by the Department of Technology, Management & Budget. The building serves as the primary State of Michigan office center for Detroit and Wayne County, providing office space for all agencies. Cadillac Place currently houses over 2,000 State employees including the Michigan Court of Appeals for District I. The building's former executive office suite serves as the Detroit office for Michigan's governor and attorney general. Several Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court have offices in the building The work involves remediating old branch panelboards, distribution panels and other electrical equipment that is either overdutied or in a state of extreme disrepair. Most branch panelboards being replaced under this contract, do not have up-to-date or accurate directories. The project will require electrical survey of branch circuits to meet current NEC requirements. The work involves asbestos abatement. The Contractor shall plan and implement abatement of known or assumed Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) per ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PROJECT PROCEDURES in Appendix III - Special Working Conditions. The August 13, 2021 REPORT OF ASBESTOS ASSESSMENT - Limited Areas/Project Specific are attached to these bid documents. This report covers areas specific to this project. Asbestos reports for the entire facility are available on request. De-energized work shall be performed outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. except State holidays). Contractor shall furnish all premium time and expense required to perform deenergized work. Contractor shall examine each item of remediation (demolition and new construction) and establish a Work Plan for each location in the building. The Work Plan shall incorporate the Contractor's safety plan. The Work Plan shall be submitted to the Owner and the Professional prior to performing work. Perform extensive survey of existing branch panelboards utilizing state-of-the-art circuit tracing equipment. Exercise modern safety protocol consistent with MIOSHA GI-86 and NFPA 70E current edition. Conduct initial survey while energized and document as-found branch circuits in a manner consistent with panel schedules (for new equipment) found on plans. Identify branch circuits that are abandoned and/or serving load that has been removed or taken permanently out of service. Furnish and install final panel and panelboard directories per NEC requirements. Copies of panelboard directories shall be submitted to the owner and engineer immediately following energization of replacement equipment. The site is located at Cadillac Place, 3044 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202, as shown on the Drawings.




Public - State/Provincial

Asbestos Abatement, Renovation, Site Work

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September 14, 2022

October 14, 2022


3044 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI

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