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Published March 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Chippewa Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

As of March 6, 2023, this project is in the final planning stages. A general contactor has been selected. Construction is anticipated to commence March 2023. Network No. 701010 Project Description Rehabilitation of Bridges WB-512 at Milepost 67.06 and B-458 at Milepost 67.05 in Westmoreland County Major Work Items 289 TON Superpave Asphalt Mixture, Wearing Course 2,098 SY Milling of Asphalt Pavement, 2" Depth 488 SY Milling of Asphalt Pavement to Existing Concrete Surface 18 SF Concrete Pavement Corner Repair 25 LF Guide Rai l 154 CY Rock Armor, Modified 4,333 SF High Strength Fiber Wrap 931 SF Concrete Bridge Deck Underside Repair 4,496 SF Latex Modified Concrete Overlay Cost Range: $50,000,000.00 - $999,999,999.00 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The project includes the installation of interchange lighting, permanent traffic signals, and sanitary sewer relocation along SR 0018, as well asthe removal of the WB-210ATemporary Trussstructure over SR 0018. This project provides for the furnishing of all labor, material, equipment, and work necessary to replace the Beaver River Bridge (WB-211) and the WB-209 and WB-209A bridges over SR 0018, widen the WB-212 culvert, reconfigure the Beaver Valley Interchange, and perform the I-76 reconstruction between Milepost 12.02 and Milepost 14.01. The existing Beaver River Bridge, approximately 1,600 feet long, is a 5-span deck truss with a deck I-beam approach span on each end. The proposed Beaver River Bridge consists of dual 1,645' long 5-span cast-in-place segmental bridges. The existing WB-209 rigid frame structure will be replaced with dual 153'-4" long single span Bulb Tee bridges. The proposed WB-209A bridge is a 150'-6 1/8" long single span Bulb Tee bridge. The existing WB-212 structure is a reinforced concrete arch culvert. The proposed WB-212 culvert will widen the existing structure using a 72' long precast arch culvert and an 8' cast-in-place transition section. The existing toll plaza style interchange will be replaced with a half-cloverleaf/half-diamond ramp system. The I-76 total reconstruction will widen the existing mainline between Milepost 12.02 and Milepost 14.01 from a 4 lane 78' wide typical section to a 6 lane 122' wide typical section. All widening will occur to the north. The project includes the installation of interchange lighting, temporary and permanent traffic signals, and sanitary sewer relocation along SR 0018, as well as the removal of the WB-210A Temporary Truss structure over SR 0018. Also included is the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic, ITS, and fiber conduit.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Chippewa Township, PA

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Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction Between Milepost 12.02 and Milepost 14.01 in Beaver County

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