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Published August 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dilkon, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Navajo Special Diabetes Program (NSDP) invites proposals from qualified firms to provide fitness equipment maintenance and repair services at all NSDP Wellness Center Sites on the Navajo Reservation for at least 2 years. All services must be conformed with ASTM and other standards. 1. Provide, at least quarterly, best practices routine maintenance according to fitness equipment manufacturer's specifications far the fitness equipMent, including inspecting and cleaning each device (motors, belts, displays, etc.) to attempt to prevent a possible breakdown or part replacement in the future, under a maintenance agreement. 2. Onsite fitness equipment maintenance and repair services to include, but not be limited to, the fitness facilities enlisted in this RFP document. 3. Upon request, to respond to any issues or inquiries about the proper functioning of fitness ..equipment as well as proper usage. 4. Provide maintenance and repair services on a time and materials basis unless a different business. Model is agreed upon as a result of this REP, 5. 1.15e new materials in the course of providing equipment maintenance and repair services including electronic components. 6. Upon request, relocate equipment from one location to another one.. 7 Upon request, review eqUipMent installation or conduct a reinstallation of equipment that has been relocated. 8. Test newly installed or reinstalled equipMent to ensure proper functioning. 9. Make facility layout recommendations for space and equipment optimizatiOn, as such, rearrange existing fitness equipment to better suit the heeds of the fitness center members as well as provide best space utilization. 10. Provide fitness equip-lent retornmendationS on purchaseS, exchanges, and equipment testing upon acquiSition to ensure equipment full functionality. 11 Upon request, be prepared to offer evidence that the services to be provided will be conducted by qualified personnel and adequate parts inventory will be available for effective response to the NSDPis equipment needs. 12 Invoices for repair services must specify the type of equipment, specific problem, call 'for service data and fitness center location. Navajo Special Diabetes Program (NSDP) is soliciting Proposals from qualified entities to provide Fitness Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services for the equipment located within Navajo Reservation. The days and hours of operation for each facility may vary per facility and are subject to change at the NSDP's discretion. The equipment located in each facility is listed in Attachment 1, hereto. 1. Crownpoint Wellness Center Bldg. #7969, Rt. 9 & Chaco Blvd. GPS coordinates: 35.6927154, -108.1472296 Crownpoint, New Mexico 2. Dilkon Wellness Center 1/4-mile North of. Milepost 55 CPS coordinates: 35.38993, -110.31693 Dilkon, Arizona 86047 3. Teecnospos Wellness Center CPS coordinates: 36.9097755, -.109.102285 Teecnospos, Arizona. 4. Tuba City Wellness Center E of TCRHCC-Corner of Cedar Avenue and Tamarack Street GPS coordinates: 36.1352042, -111.2354036 Tuba City, Arizona 5. Window Rock Wellness Center GPS coordinates: 35.38993, -110.31693 Window Rock, Arizona Interested parties are required to provide their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including mask or cloth facial covering. Interested parties will be pre-screened for flu-like symptoms prior to escorted admittance to the facilities by the NSDP Representative. The successful proposers will be responsible for providing labor, supervision, materials, equipment, transportation, and service necessary to perform high quality work. Proposers may provide an explanation itemizing the extent of their service procedure and practices. The NSDP intends to award a multi-year contract to the proposer that is able to establish a contractual relationship with a qualified proposer that can best provide the NSDP with quality fire protection services as further described in this RFP. The proposal format shall include: (1) a narrative outlining the project approach, qualifications, and capability; (2) a list of past projects completed on the Navajo Nation; (3) a list of three references and phone numbers from recent clients; and (4) copy of License and Insurance Certifications (if available). The contract will be awarded to the proposer who submits the best proposal in terms of: (1) products and services; (2) expertise and plan; (3) experience; (4) credentials; (5) project budget and (6) implementation plan and schedules. If any questions regarding this REP call Randall Comb at 928!871-6532 or email: -combpnavaio-nsn.gov. Navajo Nation reserves the right to reject any and all proposals not within projected budget and may elect to award the contract not solely on the bid amount but the bidders' qualification.


Fitness / Rec Centers

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Dilkon, AZ

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Proposal for Fitness Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services

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