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Published August 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a mixed-use development in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the remodel of a office development; for the renovation of a office development; religious / funeral development; and religious / funeral development.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION - The City of Rocky Mount is requesting statements of qualifications from professional engineering firms licensed in the State of North Carolina to provide engineering, architectural, and/or consulting services related to the repairs to the flooring, remodel a bathroom and repair the external access ramp at the Unity Cemetery Office located at 1300 Holly St., Rocky Mount, NC 27801. This is a time sensitive project. The city goal is to open the facility to the public within nine (9) months. Responding firms should have significant capacity to complete the design and bid the project within ninety (90) days. OBJECTIVE OF THE REQUEST - The purpose of this RFQ is to select the firm determined to be best able to provide the required Professional Engineering Services based on the criteria specified herein and to generally set forth the terms and conditions whereby the City of Rocky Mount will contract with the selected firm. The Request for Qualifications packet submitted, and possible subsequent interviews shall serve as the basis for selection. The information provided in the RFQ package from the City is intended to give information to the prospective firms concerning the required services and the basis for awarding of the agreement for engineering services. It is not necessarily intended to completely define the selection criteria or contractual relationship to be entered into by the City of Rocky Mount and the successful firm(s). Questions received prior to the submission deadline date, the Sr. Purchasing Technician's response, and any additional terms deemed necessary by the City of Rocky Mount will be posted in the form of an addendum to the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS),and the City of Rocky Mount website and shall become an Addendum to this RFQ. No information, instruction or advice provided orally or informally by any City personnel, whether made in response to a question or otherwise concerning this RFQ, shall be considered authoritative or binding. Vendors shall rely only on written material contained in an Addendum to this RFQ. Inquiries should be submitted no later than the date and time noted in the schedule on page 3. Questions answered verbally will be followed up by written addenda as deemed necessary; oral interpretations shall have no effect. Project Scope: Provide a recommended scope of work to include: a) Evaluation of existing flooring/subflooring. The flooring structure has several areas with water/termite damage. There are also failed areas that have been improperly repaired in the past and repairs are required. We are seeking a repair plan to address any structural repairs that may be required with the substructure and the installation of a new commercial floor covering. b) Evaluation of the current residential style bathroom. This bathroom will be converted into an ADA accessible public restroom (Employee only). We are seeking design services to complete the renovation. c) Replacement of the existing access ramp. The current ramp has several soft spots and must be replaced. We are seeking design services to replace the current ramp with a new ADA accessible ramp with composite decking. d) Bid Administration Services e) Construction Administration Services.




Public - City

Remodeling, Renovation

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August 30, 2023


1300 E Holly St, Rocky Mount, NC

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