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Site work and paving for a civil project in Peach Springs, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

As of Oct 12 the project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established . The Hualapai Housing Department (HHD) is seeking qualified proposals for professional construction services from qualified, registered firms that are licensed to perform work in the state of Arizona. The selected firm will enter into a fixed-priced contract for the completion of this work. This Request for Proposal is open to both Indian and non-Indian firms. The HHD is undertaking excavation of roadway, infrastructure (water. Sewer, electrical and phone lines) 25 house pads at box canyon subdivision and 5 house pads with infrastructure at milkweed springs drive for LIHTC homeownership homes in the Current Assisted Stock (CAS) homeowner units located in the Peach Springs area of the Hualapai Indian Reservation. The project site is located in the Peach Springs Community off Route 66 and buck and doe road, on the Hualapai Indian Reservation. Project Purpose The project is excavation of roadway, infrastructure (water. Sewer, electrical and phone lines) 25 house pads at box canyon subdivision and 5 house pads with infrastructure at milkweed springs drive for LIHTC homeownership homes in the Current Assisted Stock (CAS) homeowner units located in the Peach Springs area of the Hualapai Indian Reservation. Project Funding The project is being funded by Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds, and as such, is subject to all rules and statutes pertaining to construction with NAHASDA funds. Applicable federal clauses shall be followed by the successful bidder and the Housing Department. The Tribal Employment Rights Office imposes a 5% fee on the contract amount. Certified payroll will be required for this project. This project will be at the Davis-bacon wage rate as minimum. Project Delivery and Tribal Stipulations The price and contract will be procured using the Hualapai Tribe's Competitive Proposal method as described under the Hualapai Tribe's Procurement Policy procedures, as it has been determined to be the most appropriate method of contracting for the subject project. Intent The Hualapai Housing Department seeks a strong, cohesive excavating contractor experienced working with Indian tribes in remote areas. It is the Housing Department's desire to procure an excavated roadway, infrastructure (water. Sewer, electrical and phone lines) 30 housing pads durable and long lasting for these homes. The Housing Department intends to enter into a contract with a contractor that demonstrates the knowledge and experience to complete this project in a timely manner and that serves the best interest of the Hualapai Housing Department. The selection of the contractor shall be based on the evaluation criteria in this RFP. The Hualapai Housing Department intends for the contractor to complete all work for this project within 180 days of the signing of the notice to proceed. Any doubt as to the requirements of this solicitation or any apparent omission or discrepancy should be presented to the Housing Department conference room. The Housing Department will then determine the appropriate action necessary, if any, and may issue a written amendment to the solicitation. Oral statements or instructions will not constitute an amendment to this solicitation. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Freddy Watahomigie, Housing Director at or (928) 769-2274. Requests for accommodations must be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the event. The competition will be based on Experience and Qualifications, Specialized Experience and Technical Competence, Cost and Schedule, Financial Capability, and Indian Preference. Proposal submittals will be reviewed by a three (3) person Evaluation Selection Committee. Selection of the firm will follow a one-step process. This will be used to ensure selection of the firm providing the best overall capability to perform the work in a manner most advantageous to the Hualapai Housing Department, in accordance with established evaluation criteria. Proposers are encouraged to demonstrate adequate experience, past performance, and technical/project management approach to establish why their proposal will provide maximum benefit to the Tribe. The highest technically qualified proposer will be awarded the contract. The proposals must be received by the due date and time assigned at the submittal location specified herein. Any proposals received after the due date and time assigned will be returned unopened. The Hualapai Housing Department reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to withhold the award for any reason it may determine, and to waive or not waive any informalities in any proposal. All information regarding the content of the specific proposals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized or all proposals are rejected. Proposals should be submitted in an original and two (2) copies. Firms may withdraw proposals at any time prior to the date and time set for closing. Only the Hualapai Housing Department has the authority to receive official proposals for this project. If you have any informal questions about the RFP process, please contact: Freddy Watahomigie, Housing Director at or (928) 769-2274. The Housing Department shall not reimburse any proposer the cost of responding to the RFP. The Hualapai Housing Department conducts solicitations and good faith by granting competitors an equal opportunity to win an award. If firms feel the Housing Department has fallen short of these goals, proposers may submit a protest pursuant to the Tribe's Procurement Policy. Protests should be directed to: Hualapai Tribe Grants & Contracts Department Attn: Salena Siyuja, Compliance Officer P.O. Box 179 Peach Springs, AZ. 86434


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Peach Springs, AZ

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