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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ashland, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

**Project has been awarded but award amount was not confirmed.**  The Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC) Board of Directors, as the Legal Education Agency (LEA) for KPC solicits sealed bids for Roofing Systems and Services that would, if accepted by the KEDC Board of Directors or its designee, establish a best value PREFERRED VENDOR BID CONTRACT per KRS.45A, with the specifications , standard terms and conditions as defined in this project manual. This bid contract is intended to provide member institutions (primarily school districts) the right to contract to purchase goods and services at fixed prices from a specific list of items contained herein this project manual as part of the bid proposal. Said contracts shall hereinafter be referred to as the Bid Contract. Selected vendors shall be responsible for complying with all applicable Kentucky Board of Education regulations (especially 702 KAR 4:160 Capital Construction Process), and (through coordination with the Owner and its member institutions) insuring any necessary Architectural or Engineering Design services required by KRS 322.360, and other revised statutes are provided by the Owner and approved by the Kentucky Department of Education. Vendors shall also ensure that any necessary approvals required by the Kentucky Department of Housing, Building and Construction are obtained prior to project initiation. This a a supplemental solicitation to seek additional contractors based on the needs of the membership. Current contracts remain in effect and contract holders are not required to respond to this solicitation.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Ashland, KY

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