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Published August 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Saint Marys, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Pleasants County Development Authority, St. Marys, WV (hereafter Owner) will receive site construction bids for St. Mary's Street Project. The work of the project is divided into two separate bid packages, entitled Industrial Access Road Package and Utilities Package. Bids for the Industrial Access Road Package will be opened first with bids for the Utilities Package being opened immediately afterwards. The project site is located at Imlay Drive, St. Marys WV. Bidding requirements shall comply with 5-22-1, 5-22-2 and 21-1C of WV Code (WV Jobs Act). The contract documents including plans and specifications are on file at the Office of Terradon Corporation, 409 Jacobson Drive, Poca, WV 25159; The office of the Pleasants County Development Authority, 309 Second Street, St. Marys, WV 26170; Contractor's Association of WV, Charleston, WV; and Parkersburg arietta Contractors Association, Parkersburg, WV. Any future addenda will be distributed electronically from the Engineer via email only to bidders registered in attendance at the mandatory pre-bid meeting. Contractors desiring paper copies of addenda are responsible for obtaining and purchasing copies from Charleston Blueprint at cost plus applicable shipping or handling costs. Bidders are advised that, in the event of discrepancies between the printed documents and the electronic documents, the printed physical documents are considered the prevailing "Contract Documents". Each Bidder must be registered with the West Virginia Department of Tax and Revenue prior to the time and date for Receipt of Bids in order for his Bid to be considered. Each Bidder's registration certificate number shall be written in the space provided on the Form of Proposal. All bidders are required to be licensed to perform work in the State prior to submitting a bid for this project as required by Chapter 21, Article 11, of the Code of West Virginia. Each Bidder's Contractor license number shall be written in the space provided on the Form of Proposal. A satisfactory bid bond furnished by a solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of West Virginia, in an amount equal to five (5%) of the total amount of bid, payable to the Pleasants County Development Authority shall be submitted with each Bid. The lowest qualified responsible bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond and Payment Bond and the fee for same shall be included in their bid. The successful bidder receiving a contract to construct this project will be subject to all requirements of the WV Jobs Act ( 21-1c) if the bid package cost equals or exceeds $500,000. The provisions and requirements of WV Code 5-22-1 and 5-22-2, the requirements stated in the advertisement for bids, and the requirements on the bid form may not be waived by the Owner. A vendor who has been debarred pursuant to the provisions of WV Code 5A-3-33a through 5A-3-33f may not bid on or be awarded a contract. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for at least thirty (30) days. The Owner will not accept any bid, including receiving any hand-delivered bid, after the time advertised to receive bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to solicit new bids on the project. The project is a commercial development sponsored by the Pleasants County Development Authority and funded in part by the West Virginia Development Office. The work consists of the construction of approximately 510 lineal foot of roadway and associated utilities to serve four parcels ranging in size from 0.88 acres to 1.88 acres. The property is within the city limits of St. Marys, off WV State Route 2 between Fairview Drive to the north, WV State Route 16 to the south, and Stadium Drive to the east. The property is classified as commercial or light industry. The Work includes, but is not limited to, general requirements, site clearing, earth moving, asphalt paving, concrete paving, turf and grasses, and stormwater conveyance.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

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September 1, 2022

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Imlay Drive, Saint Marys, WV

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