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Published October 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a civil project in Walhalla, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
Estimated construction budget ranges between $2,700,000 and $2,900,000. For the furnishing of labor, equipment, skill, and any materials required for Bourbanis Dam Partial Decommissioning Project and incidental items in and for the Pembina County Water Resource District, as is more fully described and set forth in the plans and specifications therefore, which will be made available as specified below. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work for the Base Bid Contract: The Base Bid Contract for the Bourbanis Dam Decommissioning Project will consist of approximately 90,000 CY of earthwork which includes excavation, topsoil stripping and replacement, hauling and placement, approximately 2,800 CY of riprap, CMP culverts, sheet pile, drainage improvements, and related work. Refer to the Base Bid Contract Schedule shown in the Bid Form found in the bid package for the complete list of bid items and quantities. An alternative to the Base Bid Contract is included as the Alternate Bid Contract. Bids shall be upon cash payment on the following estimated quantities and types of work for the Alternative Bid Contract: The Alternate Bid Contract for the Bourbanis Dam Decommissioning Project will consist of approximately 60,000 CY of earthwork which includes excavation, topsoil stripping and replacement, hauling and placement, riprap, 1,500 CY gabions, CMP culverts, sheet pile, drainage improvements, and related work. Refer to the Alternate Bid Contract Schedule shown in the Bid Form found in the bid package for the complete list of bid items and quantities. All bids are to be submitted on the basis of cash payment for the work and materials, and each bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing the contractor's license and bid security. The bid security must be in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the bid and must be in the form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond must be executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten (10) days after notice of award, will execute and affect a contract in accordance with the terms of the bid and the bid bond as required by the laws of the State of North Dakota and the regulations and determinations of the governing body. If a successful bidder does not execute a contract within ten (10) days allowed, the bidder's bond must be forfeited to the governing body and the project awarded to the next lowest responsible bidder. All bidders must be licensed for the full amount of the bid as required by Section 43-07-07 and 43-07-12 of the North Dakota Century Code. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Contract Performance and Payment Bonds in the full amount of the contract. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the low bid submitted by a responsible and responsive bidder for the aggregate sum of all bid items for the contract selected by the Owner. A single contract will be awarded for the work. All bids will be contained in a sealed envelope, as above provided; plainly marked showing that such envelope contains a bid for the above project. In addition, the bidder shall fixed to the exterior of such envelope the following information: 1. The work covered by the bidder. 2. The name of the bidder. 3. Separate envelope containing bid bond, a copy of North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of renewal, and Acknowledgement of each Addenda individually. As an alternative to Acknowledgement of the Addenda in the separate envelope containing the bid bond and a copy of the North Dakota Contractor's License or certificate of renewal, each individual Addenda may be acknowledged on the exterior of the envelope containing the bid for the above project. No Bid will be read or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to Bond and licenses and any deficient Bid submitted will be resealed and returned to the Bidder immediately. All work included in the contracts shall be completed by December 17, 2022. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and rebid the project until a satisfactory bid is received, to waive any informality in any bid, to hold all bids for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of opening bids, and to accept the bid deemed most favorable to the interest of the Owner. After the bid opening, the Owner reserves the right to request up to three (3) references from the lowest three bidders of similar work completed within the last five (5) years. References shall include the owners of recently completed work. The lowest three bidders must provide the references as requested by the Owner, or justification why references were not provided. If the Contractor fails to complete the work according to the terms of the Contract within the times specified, he shall pay the Owner the sum of $2,000.00 per calendar day as liquidated damages. The Owner reserves the right to withhold Progress Payments and/or Final Payment until such time that all liquidated damages have been paid by the Contractor. The Owner reserves the right to deduct liquidated damages from Progress Payments and/or Final Payment.
Under Construction
Water / Sewer
Public - County
Site Work
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