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Published August 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Woodbridge, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NO. P3909 2023 New Jersey Turnpike Authority Bridge Inspection Program Garden State Parkway - Group 1 Milepost 0 to 96 And ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NO. P3910 2023 New Jersey Turnpike Authority Bridge Inspection Program Garden State Parkway - Group 3 Milepost 123 to 149 The New Jersey Turnpike Authority (Authority) invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for two (2) Simple projects from engineering Firms prequalified and eligible in the following Profile Code: Profile Code Description D280C Bridges - NBIS Program, Complex To qualify as a prequalified consultant, a Firm must have on file with the Authority a current "Professional Service Prequalification Questionnaire" (PSPQ) package prior to submission of the EOI. A current PSPQ is one that has been on file with the Authority for no more than 24 months, or in certain cases for no more than 12 months. Only those Firms who have been prequalified for the specified profile code this project entails will be considered. Prequalification is not required for subconsultants. Prequalification is required for Joint Ventures. The Authority has adopted a Disabled Veteran Owned Business (DVOB) Enterprise Program (the DVOB Program). Under the DVOB Program, Firms interested in being considered for this Order for Professional Services (OPS) agree to make a good faith effort to award at least three (3) percent of the assignment to those businesses that meet the requirements and have been registered by the Division of Revenue & Enterprise Services/Department of Treasury as a Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise. Firms shall demonstrate how they will utilize DVOB Firms in order to achieve the 3% goal and add value to the project team. The Authority shall also be seeking participation of Small Business Enterprises (SBE) as subconsultants. The project goal is 25% SBE participation to New Jersey Businesses (see Attachment B2). The Bridge Inspection Program for the Garden State parkway (GSP) consists of the inspections for the 525 routine bridges and 11 major bridges. The routine bridges are divided into four (4) Groups. Bridges located in Groups 2 and 4 are to be inspected in every even year. Bridges located in Groups 1 and 3 are to be inspected in every odd year. This Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI) is for GSP Groups 1 and 3. A routine bridge is typically a mainline or local road structure with an average of four simple spans and a multi-girder system which carries or spans over multi- lane/direction expressway traffic. The inspection and report format will follow the standard requirements for the New Jersey Turnpike Authority bridge inspection program and shall utilize proprietary software provided by Bentley "AssetWise Inspections" (aka InspectTech) to develop the reports. These OPS' require the preparation of draft and final inspection reports, data collection and input by using Bentley's proprietary software for FHWA element level inspection, updating of FHWA Structure Inventory and Appraisal (SI&A) Forms, and other related work defined in the Scope of Work. See Subsections A7 and A8 for the lists and schedules of bridges to be inspected for each Group. Inquiries pertaining to this RFEOI are to be directed in writing to Oleem O'Garro, P.E., via e-mail to ogarro@njta.com. The deadline for inquiries is Monday, August 22, 2022. The Authority will respond to all written inquiries received. Each inquiry will be stated, and a written response provided. Responses will be posted on the Authority's website under Doing Business, Current Solicitations on or before Wednesday, August 29, 2022. Consultants will be responsible for submitting their EOIs in accordance with the RFEOI and any modifications, revisions and/or clarifications thereto as a result of the posted responses. Late inquiries may not be reviewed or considered. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 6, 2023


Multiple Locations, Woodbridge, NJ

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