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Published September 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Rensselaer, New York. Working plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

**As of September 29, 2022, bids were canceled. Project will rebid but no definite date yet.** The Town of East Greenbush is accepting bids for Hampton Manor Park Improvements and Lakeshore Drive Pedestrian/Multi Use Path Improvements. The work includes providing all labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment and other means of construction necessary and incidental to the completion of the work. Open question/answer session will be during site visit. All bidders must return the "Receipt Confirmation Form" to ensure the bidder will be placed on the official Plan Holders List, as well as receiving all Addenda and other Bid correspondence. An emailed response from the bidder to the Addenda sent by the Town will act as proof the Bidder received the Addenda. In addition to the emailed response, Bidders must acknowledge the receipt of all Addenda by signing and dating each Addendum in Section 3a of the Bid Form. Failure of any Bidder to receive any such Addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Bidder from any obligation under this Bid submittal. All Addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. Bids received from contractors not on the official Plan Holders list will not be accepted. The Town of East Greenbush reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and allinformalities and to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or conditional Bids All questions about the meaning or intent of the specifications will be answered at the site visit on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 @ 10:00 AM. All inquiries with respect to this Request for Bid must be directed to the Town of East Greenbush Purchasing Clerk as follows: Mary Hendrick Town of East Greenbush 225 Columbia Turnpike Rensselaer, NY 12144 Telephone: 518-477-7788 Fax: 518-477-2386 1. Basketball Court - Remove Asphalt Pavement/Subbase - Geotextile Fabric - Subbase - Re-Work/Re-Use Existing Subbase - Asphalt Pavement - Pavement Striping - Basketball Goals [footings, post, backboard, rim] - Court Coating 2. Pickleball Court - Remove Asphalt Pavement - Remove Chain Link Fence - Subbase - Re-work/Re-use Existing subbase - Geotextile Fabric - Asphalt Pavement - Pavement Striping - 4 ft. Chain Link Black Vinyl Coated Fence - 8 ft. Chain Link Black Vinyl Coated Fence - Nets and Posts [includes concrete footings] - Court Coating 3. Parking Lot - Hampton Manor Park - Square off parking lot with maximum parking spaces - Mill Asphalt Pavement - Subbase - Asphalt Pavement Overlay - Pavement Striping [Handicap accessible spaces only] - Geotextile Fabric 4. Miscellaneous-Site wide - Remove Concrete Structure - Turf Establishment - 8 ft. Chain Link Black Vinyl Coated Fence - 4 ft. Chain Link Black Vinyl Coated Fence - Erosion Control Email: mhendrick@eastgreenbush.org 1. Sidewalk - Unclassified Excavation and Disposal - Subbase Course, Type I - Asphalt Sidewalk - Cutting Pavement - Silt Fence-Erosion Control 2. Signing & Striping - Signs - Type A Sign Posts - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [Line] - Yellow Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [Line] - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [Stop Bar] - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [Hatch] - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Symbols - 15 Mils - Additional Striping to define path entrance 3. Crosswalks - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [Lakeshore] - White Epoxy Reflectorized Pavement Stripes, 4" x 15 Mils [ Hampton] - Crosswalk Warning Signs [Hampton] - Type A Sign Posts [Hampton] - Unclassified Excavation and Disposal [Hampton Landing] - Subbase Course, Type I [Hampton Landing] - Concrete Curb Ramp & Sidewalk [Hampton Landing] - Detectable Warning Units [Lakeshore] - Detectable Warning Units [Hampton] 4. Miscellaneous - Add emblems on the multi-use pathway to differentiate between the multi-use path and the vehicular travel lane - Lakeshore Drive Exit: leave gravel areas as they are

Final Planning

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
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Division 31 - Earthwork

Earth Moving, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls

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Hampton Manor Park and Lakeshore Drive Improvements

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