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Published May 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Midlothian, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Estimated construction budget ranges between $175,000 - $325,000. The purpose of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is for the Virginia Department of Energy / Abandoned Mined Land Repurposing Program to obtain sealed bids for reclamation/ construction work on the Aetna Willis Features 3 Project. The Aetna Willis Features 3 project is located at 1700 Salisbury Drive, Midlothian, Chesterfield County, Virginia. All Inquiries for information should be directed to: jillian.bullock, (276) 455-6979, or by email at: jillian.bullock@energy.virginia.gov In summary, the work to be performed under the terms of this Specification, on the site known as the Aetna Willis Mine Shaft Feature #3 Closure Project, located at 1700 Salisbury Drive, Midlothian, Chesterfield County, Virginia, consists of the closure of five (5) individual mine shaft depressions. The project will include, in part: tree removal, placing multiple layers (lifts) of riprap in the shaft depressions, grouting each lift of riprap to form a solid mass, final grading of soil over the grouted riprap, and re-vegetation of disturbed areas. Construction work time will be 175 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. See Scope of Work under Section VIII (Scope of Work/Technical Specifications/ Drawings) for specifications and outline of work. Due to the importance that all Bidders have a clear understanding of the specifications / scope of work and requirements for this solicitation, attendance at the pre-bid conference will be a prerequisite for submitting a bid. Attendance at the pre-bid conference will be evidenced by the Bidder or their representative's signature on the pre-bid conference attendance roster. No one will be admitted to the pre-bid conference after 1:00 P.M (EST). Any changes resulting from the Pre-Bid Conference will be issued in a written addendum to this IFB. VENDORS MANUAL: This solicitation is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual and any changes or revisions thereto, which are hereby incorporated into this contract in their entirety. The process for filing a complaint about this solicitation is in section 7.13 of the Vendors Manual. (Note section 7.13 does not apply to protests of awards or formal contractual claims.) The procedure for filing contractual claims is in section 7.19 of the Vendors Manual. A copy of the manual is normally available for review at the purchasing office and is accessible on the Internet at under "I Sell To Virginia". APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS: This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, without regard to its choice of law provisions, and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the circuit courts of the Commonwealth. The agency and the contractor are encouraged to resolve any issues in controversy arising from the award of the contract or any contractual dispute using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures (Code of Virginia, 2.2-4366). ADR procedures are described in Chapter 9 of the Vendors Manual. The contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. C. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION: By submitting their (bids), (bidders) certify to the Commonwealth that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, the Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act and 2.2-4311 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA). If the award is made to a faith-based organization, the organization shall not discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the contract on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious practice, or on the basis of race, age, colour, gender sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin and shall be subject to the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the public body. (Code of Virginia, 2.2-4343.1E). In every contract over $10,000 the provisions in 1. and 2. below apply: 1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b. The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity employer. c. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section. d. If the contractor employs more than five employees, the contractor shall (i) provide annual training on the contractor's sexual harassment policy to all supervisors and employees providing services in the Commonwealth, except such supervisors or employees that are required to complete sexual harassment training provided by the Department of Human Resource Management, and (ii) post the contractor's sexual harassment policy in (a) a conspicuous public place in each building located in the Commonwealth that the contractor owns or leases for business purposes and (b) the contractor's employee handbook. e. The requirements of these provisions 1. and 2. are a material part of the contract. If the Contractor violates one of these provisions, the Commonwealth may terminate the affected part of this contract Revised: July 2021 for breach, or at its option, the whole contract. Violation of one of these provisions may also result in debarment from State contracting regardless of whether the specific contract is terminated. f. In accordance with Executive Order 61 (2017), a prohibition on discrimination by the contractor, in its employment practices, subcontracting practices, and delivery of goods or services, on the basis of race, sex, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, political affiliation, disability, or veteran status, is hereby incorporated in this contract. 2. The contractor will include the provisions of 1. above in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. D. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: By submitting their (bids), (bidders) certify that their (bids) are made without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other (bidder/offer or), supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in connection with their (bid/proposal), and that they have not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. E. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: Applicable for all contracts over $10,000: By entering into a written contract with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor does not, and shall not during the performance of the contract for goods and services in the Commonwealth, knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. F. DEBARMENT STATUS: By participating in this procurement, the vendor certifies that they are not currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia from submitting a response for the type of goods and/or services covered by this solicitation. Vendor further certifies that they are not debarred from filling any order or accepting any resulting order, or that they are an agent of any person or entity that is currently debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia. If a vendor is created or used for the purpose of circumventing a debarment decision against another vendor, the non-debarred vendor will be debarred for the same time period as the debarred vendor. G. ANTITRUST: By entering into a contract, the contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to the Commonwealth of Virginia all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now have or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the Commonwealth of Virginia under said contract.




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1700 Salisbury Dr, Midlothian, VA

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