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Published July 26, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Houston, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; and 122,000-square-foot medical facility.

As of 7/26/2023 the Owner confirmed this project is contingent on legislative approvals. Information on the contract award and short list is not available at this time. MD Anderson seeks to procure design-build services for the design and construction of a freestanding comprehensive cancer care facility of about 122,000 building gross square feet to include space for radiation oncology, infusion therapy, multidisciplinary clinics, pharmacy and clinical laboratory services. While the exact site has yet to be determined, the facility is expected to be located on a parcel of land not less than 5 acres but not more than 9 acres located in the northeast quadrant of the greater Houston area. MD Anderson has established a total project cost budget in the amount of $140,000,000 for the design, construction and equipping of the facility, which amount includes a design-build budget limitation (DBBL) of ninety-three million, eight-hundred thousand dollars ($93,8000,000). The designbuild contractor's ability to work collaboratively with MD Anderson during the preconstruction phase to accurately estimate the construction cost for the project and to develop a sound delivery plan (including construction phasing as needed) to stay within the DBBL will be critical to the overall success of this project. The balance of the TPC budget includes major medical equipment, minor medical equipment, furniture, and costs for other services needed to complete the project. MD Anderson anticipates that the facility may be constructed in two stages. Stage one would focus on the construction of the facility core and shell and the finish out of space for radiation oncology and related services. Stage two would focus on finishing out the interior for the remaining services. However, during the Preconstruction Phase, the DBC will be expected to work with MD Anderson to confirm to what extent the project will be divided into separate stages for implementation. References shall be considered relevant based on specific project participation and experience with the Respondent. The Owner reserves the right to contact any references listed at any time during this solicitation process.




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