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Published October 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

2021 community development block grant tilton road basin remediation contract no. 115. Funding for this project has been granted by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to the County Of Atlantic. The Grant is being administered by the Atlantic County Improvement Authority on behalf of the County. All contract provisions included in the agreements between HUD, the County of Atlantic, the Atlantic County Improvement Authority and the Municipality pertaining to contracting and procurement are applicable to this contract. The BIDDER will abide by Executive Orders 11635 and 12138 in connection with the utilization of Minority and Women Business Enterprises on the project. The Atlantic County Improvement Authority requires that all BIDDERS must make efforts to involve minority and women-owned businesses in the project through the use of such firms as subcontractors, material suppliers and/or service providers to the maximum feasible extent. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project; that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, age, color, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, or handicap; that a mandatory ratio of apprentices and trainees to journeymen is required in each craft and the Contractor (and any subcontractors) is obliged to make a "diligent effort" to achieve these ratios; and that to the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for training and employment be given lower income residents of the project area and must to the greatest extent feasible utilize project area businesses located in or owned in substantial part by project area residents. Wage Rates under the Federal DavisBacon Wage Rate determination are subject to change. Modifications in the Federal Davis Bacon Rate determination must be published within 10 days of the bid opening to be effective in the Contract. Electronically sealed bids for the above-named Contract, which comprises of a basin remediation and site drainage improvements in the Municipality of Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey ("Owner"), will be received and conducted in electronic platform in accord with N.J.A.C. 5:34-1 et. Seq., on BidNet Direct at website. The work includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work as shown on the Drawings and as described in the Specifications. The work on CONTRACT NO. 115 consists of 2021 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TILTON ROAD BASIN REMEDIATION which will include a basin remediation and site drainage improvements. The work for this bid shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days of the Contractor's receipt of written Notice to Proceed. Township reserves the right to award any/all or none of the bids Bids are to be submitted electronically in accord with this notice, then the bidder shall submit a copy of the bid guarantee with electronic submittal and mail PRIOR to bid opening the original to the Municipal Clerks office Township of Egg Harbor, 3515 Bargaintown Road, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234. No bid will be received unless in writing on the forms furnished, and unless accompanied by bid security in the form of a bid bond or certified check made payable to the Owner in an amount equal to 10% of the amount of the total bid, provided that the said security need not be more than $20,000 nor less than $500.00 and be delivered at the place on or before the hour named above. The bid shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Surety on the form included in the Contract Documents, from a surety company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which shall represent that the surety company will provide the Contractor with the required bonds in the sums required in the Contract Documents and in a form satisfactory to the Owner's Attorney and in compliance with the requirements of law. Each bidder shall submit with his bid an "Ownership Disclosure Statement" and "Non-Collusion Affidavit" as stated in Public Law, 1975, C.127 NJSA 34:11-56,25 et seq. as amended in chapter 64 of the Laws of 1974 and P.L. 1977 Ch.33, NJSA 52:25-24.2 on the forms included in the Contract Documents. Public Works Contractor Registration pursuant to NJSA 34:11-56.48 et. Seq. is required for all projects/contracts that include construction, reconstruction, demolition, alter at ion, and alteration of repair or maintenance work on a public building. All Contractors and Subcontractors are required to submit a copy of their Business Registration Certificate issued by the NJ Division of Taxation (PL 2004, c 57 effective 9-1-04). Compliance with the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act (N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25) is required. Bidders must use the prepared proposal forms that are contained in the Contract Documents. Each individual proposal must be separately BidNet Direct at website. After receipt of bids, no bid shall be withdrawn except as expressly authorized herein. The Owner shall award the Contract or reject all bids within 60 days of bid opening, except that the bids of any bidders who consent thereto may, at the request of the Owner, be held for consideration for such longer period as may be agreed. The Owner will evaluate bids and any award will be made to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6.1. A copy of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6.1 is included in Section entitled Local Public Contract of this specification. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive minor informalities or irregularities in bids received. The qualification and reclassification of bidders will be subject to the statutory provisions contained in N.J.S.A. 40A:11-25 to 32 ("Local Public Contract Law"). A copy of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-25 to 32 is included in Section entitled "Local Public Contract Law" of this specification. Successful bidders, after notification of award, but prior to signing a construction contract, shall submit to the township and the Dept. of LWD, Construction EEO Monitoring Program an initial project workforce report (Form AA 201) electronically provided to the public agency by the Dept. LWD, Construction EEO Monitoring Program, through its website. for distribution to and completion by the contractor, in accordance with the N.J.A.C. 17:27-7. The contractor also agrees to submit a copy of the Monthly Project Workforce Report once a month thereafter for the duration of this contract to the Dept. of LWD, Construction EEO Monitoring Program and to the public agency compliance officer The successful bidder will also be required to submit bonds and proof of insurance on or before execution of their respective Contracts as explained in the Contract Documents. Bidders are required to comply with all relevant Federal and State Statues, Rules and Regulations including but not limited to the applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended (42 USC 2000d 2000D 4A), the discrimination and affirmative action provisions of NJSA 10:5-31 et seq. and NJAC 17:24 (Contract Compliance and Affirmative Action for Public Contracts), the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, the State requirement for bidders to supply statements of ownership (N.J.S.A. 52:25 24.2) and the State requirement for submission of the names and addresses of certain subcontractors (N.J.S.A. 40A:11 16). Challenges to bid specifications must be made, in writing, addressed to the Owner, at least, three (3) business days prior to the bid opening date. Challenges filed otherwise will not be considered. Pursuant to P.L. 2004, c.57 (N.J.S.A. 52:32-44) effective September 1, 2004, all business organizations that conduct business with a New Jersey govern-ment agency are required to be registered with the State of New Jersey. The Contract Documents may be acquired on Bidnet Direct at website. . If the Contract is awarded, no refunds will be given. If for any reason the Contract is not awarded, refunds will be made to bidders pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11 24(b) when the Contract Documents are returned in reasonable condition within 90 days of notice that the Contract has not been awarded. It is the purpose of this Notice to Bidders to summarize some of the more important provisions of the Contract Documents. Prospective bidders are cautioned not to rely solely on this summary, but to read the Contract Documents in their entirety. The Township reserves the right to reject bids based upon the criteria specified in the Information to Bidders.


Water / Sewer


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Tilton Rd, Egg Harbor Township, NJ

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