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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Homestead, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.
Bids must be submitted pursuant to all of the requirements set forth in the Bid Documents. Bids received after the bid submittal date and time stipulated above will not be considered. Timely submitted Bids will be taken after the Bid submittal deadline to a room in the Stephen P. Clark Center designated by the Clerk of the Board. The County reserves the right to postpone or cancel the bid opening at any time prior to the scheduled opening, reject any and or all Bids, to waive informalities and irregularities, or to re-advertise the Project. The County, choosing to exercise its right of rejection, does so without imposition of any liability against the County. Work for this project includes but is not limited to, furnishing all labor supervision, materials, equipment, tools and performing all operations necessary to construct the Work. The project consists of roadway and traffic operational improvements. The improvements include, but are not limited to, new road construction, widening, resurfacing, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, signalization, pavement markings and signage, lighting, bicycle lanes, and WASD utility improvements (includes new water main, fire hydrants, new water services and reconnections of existing stub outs). Payment shall be in the form of a company check, cashier's check, or money order payable to "Miami-Dade County, Department of Transportation and Public Works. Email to to coordinate the purchase and in person pickup of the documents. These Solicitation and Contract Documents contain instructions and requirements, not addressed by this Advertisement, that are essential to the preparation and submittal of Bids. Bid Documents can also be downloaded for free form a SharePoint which access link will be provided upon request by emailing to All Addenda, Request for Information and Responses (RFI), and the list of document holder will be also available to view online. The Department will fax or e-mail but not be sending these documents via certified mail to the document holders. Acknowledgment of receipt by Bidders of all addendums and RFI's remain a requirement when submitting Bids. All RFI requests should be e-mailed to Jean Bernard Philippeaux at while copying the Clerk of the Board ( Each Bid must be accompanied by a certified check or acceptable bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the proposed total bid amount as guarantee that the Bidder, if awarded the Contract will provide, as set forth in the Bid Documents, a Performance and Payment bond satisfactory to Miami-Dade County, Department of Transportation and Public Works, equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the total Contract award amount. Bidders may not withdraw theirs bids for a period of one-hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after the bid opening, after which they may be requested to extend their bids until either a Notice of Contract Award or a Notice of Rejection of Bids has been filed with the Clerk of the Board, Miami-Dade County. CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Certificate of Competency Requirement: 1. Include with the bid submittal package, copies of certifications and documentation that demonstrate that at the time of Bid and pursuant to the requirements of Section 10-3 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida and these Solicitation Documents, the Bidder holds a valid, current, and active: a. Certificate of Competency from the County's Construction Trades Qualifying Board as a General Engineering Contractor or as a Specialty Engineering Contractor, commensurate to the requirements of the Scope of Work, in one or more engineering crafts to include paving engineering contractor. The specialty contractor shall subcontract with a qualified contractor any work which is incidental to the specialty but is specified in the aforementioned Code as being the work of other than that of the Engineering Specialty for which certified; or b. Pursuant to Section 255.20, F.S. and in lieu of the above, the County may consider a bid from a Bidder that is a duly licensed Contractor in good standing that has been prequalified and considered eligible by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) under Section 337.14, F.S. and Chapter 14-2, Florida Administrative Code, to perform the work described in the Contract Documents. Contractors seeking consideration under this Paragraph shall submit along with the Bid Documents for review and consideration, current copy(ies) of their FDOT Certificate(s) of Qualification, Certification, as a Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor, provided by the State of Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board, pursuant to the provisions of Section 489.115 of the Florida Statutes. Certification of Work Underway, and Status of Contract(s) On Hand. Acceptable FDOT prequalification(s) necessary to perform the Work specified in the Contract Documents include the Flexible Paving, Traffic Signals and Drainage Work Classes. Additional Licensing Requirement In addition to the license(s) required of the Contractor, any personnel engaged in installing, modifying, repairing, removing or maintaining traffic signalization, or any other electrical/electronic traffic control device in Miami-Dade County must: Perform work under the direction of a Master Electrician which has to be present at the job site or be able to respond within 2 hours of notification. Perform all work under the direct supervision of a Journeyman Electrician that is certified as an International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) certified Traffic Signal Technician (TST) Level II or Level III. All work related at or pertaining to the controller must be performed by an IMSA certified TST Level II (Field). Provide a copy of all of the above licenses and certifications for their company and employees, including a list of their employees assigned to this Project. In addition to the above license(s), any contractor engaged in installing modifying, repairing, or maintaining roadway street lighting systems in Miami-Dade County must: Perform work under the direction of a Master Electrician that is either at the job site(s) or able to respond within (4) hours of notification; and Perform all work under the direct supervision of a Journeyman electrician present at the job site(s). Experience Requirement: 1. The Bidder, through full time personnel employed by the Bidder, must demonstrate a minimum of five years of continual experience as the prime contractor in projects with scopes comparable to the Project Scope of Work. Demonstrate the experience requirement by including along with the bid submittal package: a. Providing a detailed description of completed projects, similar to the Project Scope of Work, in which the Bidder is currently engaged or has completed within the past ten years. List and describe those projects performed for government clients, similar size private entities, and any work performed for the County. The description should identify for each project (1) the client, (2) description of work, (3) total dollar value of the contract, (4) contract duration, (5) customer contact person and phone number for reference, (6) statement or notation of whether Bidder is/was the prime contractor or subcontractor, and (7) the results of the project; or b. Pursuant to Section 255.20, F.S., the County may consider a bid from a Bidder in good standing, meeting the license requirements above, that has been prequalified and considered eligible by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) under Section 337.14, F.S. and Chapter 14-2, Florida Administrative Code, to perform the work described in the Contract Documents. Contractors seeking consideration under this Paragraph shall submit along with the Bid Documents for review and consideration, current copy(ies) of their FDOT Certificate(s) of Qualification in the Flexible Paving and Drainage Work Classes, Certification of Work Underway, and Status of Contract(s) On Hand 2. The County reserves the right to request additional information and/or contact listed persons pertaining to bidder's experience. SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SBE) PROGRAM: Small Business Enterprise-Construction Program Measures (SBE-Cons) and Small Business Enterprise-Good and Services Measures (SBE-GS) In accordance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance No.'s 97-52 and 97-158; A.O. 3-22, a SBE-Cons Contract Measure of 8.83% have been established for this Project. In accordance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance No.'s 5-29 and A.O. 3-41, an SBE-S goal of 0.62% have been established for this Project. Compliance with the Small Business Development provisions is required for all Bidders. Bidders must: Submit a completed, signed and notarized Certificate of Assurance (COA) along with the Bid Submittal Package; Place the completed COA on top of the bid package so that it can be readily identified by the Department during the bid opening. By submitting a completed COA, the bidder acknowledges the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) measures applied to the project and agrees to submit, upon notification by SBD or the Miami-Dade County Business Management Workforce System (BMWS), a Utilization Plan via BMWS listing all certified SBE subcontractor(s) to be utilized to satisfy the measures on the Project, indicating the percentage of work and the description of the work to be performed (pursuant to the firm's certification), within the specified time frame. All SBEs listed in the Utilization Plan will be required to confirm their subcontractor agreement via BMWS, within the specified time frame, before the Utilization Plan may be submitted to SBD for approval. All subcontractors must be certified SBE-CON firms. Bidders can confirm a SBE-CON certification via BMWS The Department will forward the COA(s) to SBD for compliance review. Bidders who fail to submit the Utilization Plan via BMWS within the specified time frame requested by SBD will be considered "non responsive". SBE Make-up Plan A contractor that failed to meet an established Small Business Enterprise-Construction (SBE-CON) goal on any contract must submit a SBE-CON Make-up Plan for approval by the Miami-Dade County Internal Services Department, Small Business Division (SBD). Contractors that are required to submit a SBE-CON Make-up Plan will be notified by Small Business Development SBD after a bid/proposal is received and prior to a recommendation of award is issued. Contractors will be required to identify the SBE-CON firms to be utilized, the trade designation of work that each firm will perform and the percentage of work in satisfaction of a make-up via the County's web-based system. The contracting Department cannot award a project with-out notification from SBD that a Make-up Plan was submitted and a SBD for compliance review conducted. Contractors who fail to submit the SBE-CON Make-up Plan once notified by SBD to submit via the County's web-based system within the specified time will be considered "non-compliant" to Implementing Order 3-22 and not eligible for an award of a project. COMMUNITY WORKFORCE PROGRAM In accordance with Miami-Dade County Code 2-1701 and amended by Ordinance No. 13-66, this Contract has a 10.00% Community Workforce Program (CWP) Goal. Contractor is required to comply with CWP Participation. Additional information is available at the County's website Contractor must submit a Workforce Plan to the Miami-Dade County Internal Service Department, Small Business Development Division through the Department (via the Engineer) within 15 days from the Recommendation for Award. The Workforce Plan form along with instructions on how to complete the Workforce Plan can be obtained in the County's website RESIDENTS FIRST TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM COMPLIANCE (RFTE): Except where state or federal laws or regulations mandate to the contrary, all contractors and subcontractors of any tier performing on a County Construction Contract shall satisfy the requirements of Section 2-11.17 of the Code of Miami-Dade County and Implementing Order No. 3-61 described on these at online all contractors and subcontractors of any tier on (i) construction contracts valued in excess of $1 million for the construction, demolition, alteration and/or repair of public buildings, or public works; or (ii) contracts or leases valued in excess of $1 million for privately funded construction, demolition, alteration or repair of buildings, or improvements on County-owned land must comply with the RFTE Program. COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Pursuant to Section 10-33.02.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code, bidders on County construction contracts are requested to complete and submit the Collusion Affidavit form included with the Bid Documents. Any person or entity that fails to submit the required affidavit in accordance with the aforementioned Code shall be ineligible for contract award. "Failure to provide a Collusion Affidavit within 5 business days after the recommendation to award has been filed with the Clerk of the Board shall be cause for the contractor to forfeit their bid/proposal bond." CONE OF SILENCE: Pursuant to Section 2-11.1(t) of the County Code and Administrative Order 3-27 ("Cone of Silence Provisions"), as amended, a "Cone of Silence" is imposed upon RFPs, RFQs, or bids after advertisement and terminates at the time the County Manager issues a written recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. Written communications may be submitted via e-mail to the Clerk of the Board at CLERKBCC@MIAMIDADE.GOV. The County shall respond in writing and file a copy with the Clerk of the Board, which shall be made available to any person upon request.
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Roads / Highways
Public - County
Paving, Site Work
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SW 268th St, Homestead, FL
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