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Published August 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charleston, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Board of Supervisors of Tallahatchie County, Mississippi will accept proposals for the purchase of an 55KW Generator. Following receipt of said proposals, the Board of Supervisors of Tallahatchie County, Mississippi will notify proposers, whose proposals meet the specifications advertised herein, with the date and time for the REVERSE AUCTION. Only qualified proposers shall be allowed to participate in the reverse auction which shall be held in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Tallahatchie County, at the Tallahatchie County Courthouse in the First Judicial District in Charleston, Mississippi. No responsibility will be attached to any person employed by the Board of Supervisors of Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, for the premature opening of any bid not properly addressed and identified as stipulated below: BID FOR: THE PURCHASE OF AN 55KW GENERATOR Any exceptions to the specifications must be listed in the bidders bid with justification. Failure to do so will disqualify the bid. Price bid shall be for F. O. B. Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, and must include any pre-delivery and/or setup charges, title fees and inspection fees. The bidder shall complete the unit price bid with no further calculations required in order to determine the firm unit price. Bids must be signed and dated by the bidders authorized agent. All bids must state Manufacturer Warranty. All bids must state approximate delivery time. Location for parts and service must be included in the bid and will be a factor in determining the best bid. It shall be incumbent upon each bidder to understand the specifications on the bid form and to obtain clarification when necessary. It is not the intent of the specifications to limit the bidding process to any make or manufacturer, but to fill a specific need and to perform a specific task. The board of Supervisors of Tallahatchie County, Mississippi reserves the right to determine which is the lowest and best bid and to accept or reject any or all bids based on that determination.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Charleston, MS

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