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Published August 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Raleigh, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Raleigh (COR) is s seeking professional planning services to develop a Technology Master Plan for its planned Civic Campus. The proposal must offer a comprehensive assessment that documents an approach for identifying the short, mid, and long-range technology and audio-visual (AV) needs for the City's planned Civic Campus. The resulting plan should offer realistic and feasible solutions to deficiencies and operational needs known and identified through the master technology planning process, that meet the current needs and anticipate the long-range needs. This plan should incorporate considerations in evolving work habits resulting from pandemic related changes and enhance the quality of the office work and public service environment. The final Technology Master Plan document will serve as a strategic roadmap for the future to guide site technology AV design as part of the building construction. The master planning process must identify, clarify, and shape a short range (5 years), mid-range (10 years) and long-range (15 years) vision for the City's technology needs within the Civic Tower. The Technology Master Plan should include a variety of options for addressing each area of need that are varied in cost and suitability such as: Assess the space and function Assess the needs and identify "to-be" use of technology Tiered recommendations clearly articulating the capabilities provided, tradeoffs/gaps for omitted capabilities, and cost estimates for budget purposes for example bronze, silver, and gold levels The Master Technology Plan must garner majority support from the entire evaluation team and must achieve its organization and strength by focusing on key features that distinguish the goals of the City. It is the intent of this process to select a qualified consultant for the scope of services requested. The anticipated scope of work for the selected consultant will primarily include designing and providing appropriate technology systems to meet the needs of the Owner on the initial day one of occupancy. The design should allow for anticipated growth for the future. The selected consultant will review the current technology systems proposed to support the operations of the new East Civic Tower Campus. More detailed discussions will occur upon the selection and contract negotiation with the selected consultant. The City of Raleigh prohibits discrimination in any manner against any person based on actual or perceived age, race, color, creed, national origin, sex, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial or marital status, religion, economic status, or veteran status. The City maintains an affirmative policy of fostering, promoting, and conducting business with women and minority owned business enterprises. Deadline for Written Questions August 29, 2022 no later than 2 PM EST = All questions related to this solicitation must be submitted in writing (via email) to the following individual: Eric Jamison Eric.Jamison@raleighnc.gov Questions submitted via telephone will not be answered. Interviews (if required) Approximately 1-2-weeks after evaluation meeting. Selection Announced (tentative) Approximately 1-2-weeks after interviews or if interviews are not held, then 1-2-weeks after the evaluation meeting



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