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Published September 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Des Moines, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The undersigned hereby proposes to furnish to the Board of Water Works Trustees of the City of Des Moines the estimated requirement of quick lime of approximately 31,625,280 pounds for the year 2023. This quick lime will be used in the purification and softening of the municipal water supply, and will be applied by means of a volumetric feeder and slurry slaker. The undersigned hereby states this product meets or exceeds the latest revision of AWWA Standard B202-13 for quick lime. DMWW reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure goods and services conform to the specifications. The quick lime shall be based on minimum 85% available calcium oxide (CaO). In the event that any shipment has a calcium oxide content of less than 85%, Des Moines Water Works will deduct 5% from the invoice for that shipment. In no case shall the available calcium oxide (CaO) content be less than 80%. Any results below 80% will be rejected and it will be at the cost of the supplier for disposal and transportation fees. Graduation of lime will be no larger than 3/4 " and not more than 5% passing a No. 100 Standard sieve (to be certified at time of loading). Insoluble material will not exceed 15% (by weight) when tested in accordance with Section 5.5 of AWWA B202-13. Quicklime should be substantially free of carbonate solids and siliceous residue. Des Moines Water Works will do a performance factor test and may include items such as product quality/efficiency, maintenance impacts, operational stability, sludge hauling factors, and others for each supplier providing a lime bid to aid in the determination and selection of the successful bidder. The driver shall wear the appropriate personal protective equipment as required by the SDS when unloading product. All discharge connections and hose ends shall be plugged, capped, blind flanged, or contained to prevent and spillage of product. The driver is responsible for cleanup of incidental spills to the satisfaction of DMWW. The estimated quantities specified are given for informational purposes only. The amounts will vary with the actual demand. These quantities shall not be deemed to guarantee either a minimum amount or restrict the maximum amount to be furnished.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Des Moines, IA

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