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Site work and paving for a civil project in Waltham, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

BRIDGE REMOVAL, CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS, GRADING, AGGREGATE SURFACING, RIPRAP, EROSION CONTROL, TURF ESTABLISHMENT, AND APPURTENANT CONSTRUCTION SAP 050-599-176, Bridge No. 50K93 and 50K94; located on T-141 (550 th Avenue), 0.2 miles South of North County Line; in Section 1, Udolpho Township. Approximate length: 0.227 miles. The approximate major quantities of work are: 1090 CY Common Excavation, 560 CY Common Borrow (LV), 800 TON Aggregate Surfacing (Class 2), 2 EACH 12x6 Precast Concrete Box Culvert End Section (30 Degree Skew), 32 LF 12x6 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 2 EACH 12x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert End Section, 2 EACH 12x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert End Section (30 Degree Skew), 68 LF 12x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 2 EACH 12x8 Precast Concrete End Section, 36 LF 12x8 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 2 LS Remove Existing Bridge, 650 TON Random Riprap (Class 3), 800 LF Silt Fence Type MS, and 4,000 SY Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25. SAP 050-599-180, Bridge No. 50K96; located on T-39 (175 th Street), 0.8 miles west of TH 105; in Section 29, Austin Township. Approximate length: 0.152 miles. The approximate major quantities of work are: 975 CY Common Excavation, 400 CY Common Borrow (LV), 500 TON Aggregate Surfacing (Class 2), 2 EACH 12x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert End Section, 36 LF 12x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 2 EACH 12x8 Precast Box Culvert End Section, 36 LF 12x8 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 1 LS Remove Existing Bridge, 300 TON Random Riprap (Class 3), 400 LF Silt Fence Type MS, and 2,000 SY Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25. SAP 050-599-182, Bridge No. 50K95; located on T-39 (175 th Street), 1.4 miles West of TH 105; in the Section 29, Austin Township. Approximate length: 0.152 miles. The approximate major quantities of work are: 960 CY Common Excavation, 100 CY Common Borrow (LV), 500 TON Aggregate Surfacing (Class 2), 2 EACH 10x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert End Section, 36 LF 10x7 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 2 EACH 10x8 Precast Box Culvert End Section, 36 LF 10x8 Precast Concrete Box Culvert, 1 LS Remove Existing Bridge, 250 TON Random Riprap (Class 3), 400 LF Silt Fence Type MS, and 2,000 SY Rolled Erosion Prevention Category 25. As a proposal guaranty, each proposal must be accompanied by a bidders bond or certified check in the amount of at least 5% of the total amount of the proposal, made payable to the Treasurer of Mower County, Minnesota. The Board of County Commissioners reserve s the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive defects therein and to award to other than the lowest bidder if it is in the best interest of the County.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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550 Ave, Waltham, MN

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