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Published December 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Northern Cambria, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

As of December 9, 2022. Project was awarded to the FF: Contract 2022-1 General Construction = Lobar, Inc. $9,586,000 Contract 2022-2 HVAC = Marc Services, Inc. $465,855.00 Contract 2022-3 Plumbing = K&K Plumbing Co, Inc. $198,387.00 Contract 2022-4 Electrical = Bettwy Electric, Inc. $1,037,000 Project includes the following Work: construction of a new water treatment facility and ancillary structures and facilities including, but not limited to, a pump station; emergency generator, backwash equalization tank; waste neutralization tank; associated site , and piping; and all other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. The water treatment facility will include of dual train microfiltration (MF) membrane systems, dual train reverse osmosis (RO) filtration systems, a disinfection clearwell, chemical storage room and feed systems, chemical cleaning systems for the MF and , finished water pumping facility, electrical and controls room, laboratory, office, and associated HVAC, plumbing, process piping, and process monitoring / instrumentation. The raw water pump station will be to the source intake structure to receive raw water and pump to the proposed treatment facility.are requested for the following Contracts: 2022-1: General Construction Work, 2022-2: HVAC Work, Work & 2022-4: Electrical Work bids will not be accepted. Certified check or bank draft, payable to the order of the Owner or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (at par value), satisfactory Bid Bond on the form provided, executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety (Surety companies on the Treasury Departments most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact the State of Pennsylvania), in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total of the Bid shall be submitted with to guarantee the Bidders entrance into a contract if given the award. No bid bond shall be waived or the Bidder has failed to or cannot comply with any requirements set forth in the plans, specifications or statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any applicable municipal ordinances. successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bonds, each in of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price on the forms provided, with a surety company listed on Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the State . Bacon wage rates will apply to this contract. The contract documents contain requirements addressing wage rates, labor standards, nondiscrimination in hiring practices and related matters. contractors and subcontractors shall comply with the Public Works Employment Verifications Act. The Act contractor to verify employment eligibility through the e-verify program operated by the United States Department Security as a precondition of being awarded a contract for this project. The contract documents and verification Form regarding the Act. Contractors the Six Good Faith Efforts to identify and solicit DBE firms that are potential sources for any in the areas of project construction, equipment, services, and supplies by including state qualified , and minority and women owned business enterprises in the bidding process. Steel Products Procurement Actand American Iron and Steel apply to this project for all steel used . Owner shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or shall reject all bids within 60 days of date bid opening, and no bidder may withdraw his bid before the expiration of such 60-day period; PROVIDED, if the award of the contract is delayed by a required approval of another government agency, the sale of bonds award of the grant or grants, the Owner shall reject all bids or award the contract to the lowest responsible 120 days of the date of the BID opening, and no bidder may withdraw his bid before the expiration of such 120-. Thirty (30) day extensions of the date for the award of the contract may be made by the mutual written consent Owner and the lowest responsible bidder. General/Mechanical - Lobar Inc. - $9,586,000.00 HVAC - Marc Services Inc - $465,855.00


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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602 Old Miller Rd, Northern Cambria, PA

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