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Published August 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fernley, Nevada. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The City of Fernley is seeking proposals from qualified firms to serve as the City's technical team for the preparation of a legally defensible environmental review for the Community Response & Resource Center project. This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded to City of Fernley. The project location is in Fernley, NV 89408, generally located as follows: bound by East Main Street (north), Lois Lane (east), Peppertree Lane (south), and a modular home community (west), APN 021-103-56. The property is owned by the City of Fernley and the project will be the construction of a public facility approximately 56,000sf inclusive of the community center, gymnasium meeting rooms, kitchen, youth center, early learning center, and the complimentary spaces. The City of Fernley intends to apply for Community Development Block Grant program funds to fund this project. The project will require completion of environmental reviews and associated technical documents. The project site is located just south of the Fernley Depot property, which has been determined to be a national and state historical property due to the historic transportation and architectural significance from the period of 1914-1955. Environmental Services contract will encompass all project-related environmental services to the City of Fernley, including but not limited to the following: o Review the project description to ascertain and/or verify the level of environmental review required: Exempt, Categorical Exclusion not Subject to 58.5, Categorical Exclusion Subject to 58.5, Environmental Assessment, and Environmental Impact Statement. o Prepare, complete, and submit HUD required forms for environmental review and provide all documentation to support environmental findings. o Prepare a written record of compliance with all applicable environmental requirements. o Consult and coordinate with oversight/regulatory agencies to facilitate environmental clearance. o Be able to perform or contract special studies, additional assessments, or permitting to secure environmental clearance. These may include but are not limited to biological assessments, wetland delineations, asbestos surveys, lead-based paint assessments, archeology studies, architectural reviews, etc. o Prepare all responses to comments received during the comment phase of the environmental review, including State/Federal Agency requiring further studies and/or comments from public or private entities during public comment period. o Advise and complete environmental re-evaluations per 24 CFR 58.47 when evidence of further clearance or assessment is required. o Maintain close coordination with City staff and project partners to assure appropriate level of environmental review is performed and no work is conducted without authorization. Participate in regularly scheduled progress meetings. Selection will be based on review of qualifications presented in the submittal and matching skills with the needed expertise. The proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee composed of City of Fernley staff and other project partner agencies. The selection and evaluation criteria may include but not be limited to the following: 1. Understanding of the requested work and responsiveness to the RFP. 2. Professional Qualifications and Standing - evaluation criteria may include, but not be limited to professional excellence, demonstrated competence in the service requested, and the education and experience of the key personnel assigned to the project. 3. Completeness of proposal, the proposal schedule, and the fee proposal. 4. Consultant's past performance and ability to meet the project schedule. 5. Resources available to complete the project such as equipment, software, and staffing. 6. The city may choose to conduct virtual interview in the evaluation process. Exhibit A: A copy of the firms current Certificate of Insurance for professional liability. Exhibit B: Include verification that the firm and the company's principal is registered through the System for Award management ( Consultant/Firm is not debarred or suspended from the Excluded Parties List System in the System for Award Management (SAM) and must have an active registration with the System for Award Management. Proposals will be only accepted by electronic mail. Proposals will be accepted until Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 4:00 pm local time. Proposals electronically mailed prior to the submittal deadline but received by City of Fernley staff after the submittal deadline will not be accepted. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the time set for closing. Any proposals received after the time set for closing will be rejected. To ensure all interested firms have access to the same information, all questions must be submitted by email prior to September 7, 2022, to the Assistant to the City Manager, Trisha Conner, at Responses to questions will be posted on the City's website Given the uncertain and potentially variable scope of the work, City of Fernley seeks a consultant who will bill the City of Fernley monthly for time and material with a not-to-exceed cost of contract. If a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration, or Environmental Impact Report is required based on the outcome of the initial study, a contract change order The Selected consultant must be willing to accept the term included in the City of Fernley's standard professional services contract and the U.S. Department of the Treasury Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Award Terms and Conditions. Question Deadline 09/07/2022 To ensure all interested firms have access to the same information, all questions must be submitted by email to the Assistant to the City Manager, Trisha Conner, at The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Clubhouse / Community Centers
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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