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Published October 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Montreal, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number : 1637667 Review Title : Chiller maintenance Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-09-06 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract without the options (in months): 12 1. GENERAL 1.1 PURPOSE The subject of this Quotation is the Maintenance of chillers as described below: The Center de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSSMB) wishes to retain the services of ONE (1) SINGLE SERVICE PROVIDER specializing in the maintenance of chillers for a contract period of ONE (1) year from the date mentioned in a Notice of award, and this, according to the terms and conditions described in the Call for Tenders Documents (BD) for this project 21-305, including this Specification. 1.2 AWARD The CSSMB intends to award a Contract to the compliant BIDDER who has proposed the lowest total amount (GRAND TOTAL of the BID) identified in its form ANNEX 2 - PRICE SCHEDULE. 1.3 PRICE SCHEDULE Throughout the duration of the Contract, the SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to provide all the services related to this Chiller Maintenance file. Thus, the prices subject to APPENDIX 2 - PRICE SCHEDULE include, but are not limited to, skilled labor (technician/worker), equipment and tools necessary for the execution of the Contract, reports, all transportation costs (including trucks/service vehicles), insurance, travel, delivery, administration as well as profits and all other indirect costs inherent in the provision of Maintenance services chillers as indicated in this Specification. 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS 2.1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED 2.1.1 Type of service As part of this project, the CSSMB wishes to enter into a full chiller maintenance service contract including, but not limited to, preventive maintenance and inspection services for its fleet of chillers. The SERVICE PROVIDER must therefore carry out all these services and works at the frequencies recommended by the respective manufacturers of the chillers. Such frequencies are, among others, the start-up at the start of the season, the quarterly or mid-season inspection, the shutdown at the end of the season as well as the Procedures - every 3 years inspection. '. Document APPENDIX 3_Maintenance and inspection procedure_21-305 mentions, among other things, some of these recommendations; In addition, the CSSMB wishes to conclude in this same contract, a portion for minor repair services and service calls that may prove necessary following the maintenance and inspection of the chillers or at any other time; The chillers covered by this project are located in the establishments mentioned in document ANNEX 1-Inventory and specifications of chillers 2022-21-305. The addresses of these establishments are available in APPENDIX 4_List of buildings and addresses-CSSMB-21-305; 2.1.2 Sector The equipment, chillers are divided into three (3) different lots/sectors: Lot 1: NORTH Sector Lot 2: WEST sector Lot 3: SOUTH sector You will find in APPENDIX 1_Inventory and specifications of chillers 2022_21-305, a file containing the inventory of equipment by SECTOR. 2.1.3 Type of tender This is a service contract combining a fixed price portion (preventive maintenance services) and an on-demand portion (minor repair services and service calls).



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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