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Published October 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a multi-residential development in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Completed plans call for the demolition of a multi-residential development; and for site work for a multi-residential development.

1. All the building structures as per drawings including floor slabs, concrete staircases, footings, basement/crawlspace walls, retaining walls, debris, junk, trash removal, trees, tree roots & shrubs. 2. All improvements must be completely demolished and removed from their present site as per the plans. All the building structures as per drawings including floor slabs, Transformers, , Swimming Pool (if any), footings, basement/crawlspace walls, retaining walls, concrete staircases , mailboxes ,debris, junk , trash, tree, tree roots , shrubs if necessary, fencing excluding the property fencing or as instructed by the Project Engineer. 3. All islands, and asphalt drives & parking to be remain. 4. Power poles to be removed by City electric Department. 5. Note: Storm drain structures if any to be remain undisturbed and protected. 6. All sanitary sewer lines to be removed, properly sealed off at property line. 7. Only main line sewer lines shall remain undisturbed. 8. All demolition debris must be removed and disposed of properly in an appropriate landfill or recycled in accordance with the provisions of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid waste Management Act of 1990 and the Georgia Rules for Solid Waste Management Chapter 391-3-4. 9. Backfill disturbed areas with good dirt compacted to min 95%. The end result of the demolition areas needs to be that the area has a smooth flat slope and drains well, and hydro seed with permanent seeding. The subject property is developed with a 30-unit apartment complex consisting of three apartment buildings, identified as Buildings B, C, and G. The buildings are of similar construction with concrete block crawl space or slab-on-grade foundations and superstructures of wood framing supporting a pitched asphalt shingle roof. Red metal roofing was placed on top of the asphalt shingle roofs between 2011 and 2014. The exteriors are finished with brick facades and vinyl trim. Interior finishes include carpet, sheet vinyl, or ceramic tile floors; gypsum board walls; and gypsum board ceilings with a stippled texture finish. Acoustical ceiling tiles were observed in units G-13, G-14, and G-16. The asbestos survey was conducted and suspect asbestos containing materials were found. Questions regarding bids should be directed to Steve Murray, Purchasing Director at steve.murray@lawrencevillega.org or by calling 678-407-6420, no later than 3:00 P.M. on September 12, 2022. Bids are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted. All bids should be submitted in duplicate.




Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

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September 27, 2022

October 27, 2022


35 Gwinnett Dr, Lawrenceville, GA

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