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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Brookville, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Preserving Main Street Facade Program-Construction Phase In order to assure compliance with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) and related re-quirements regarding competitive ne-gotiation of professional services, the Town of Brookville is seeking Re-quests for Statements of Qualifica-tions for the provision of architec-tural/engineering services relating to the facade restorations. This project will be supported in part or in whole by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds through a grant funded by the Indiana Office of Com-munity and Rural Affairs. Description of Project/Scope of Services The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs will have reviewed and approved planning documents from the planning phase of the Pre-serving Main Street Pilot Program prior to the Construction phase begin-ning. The Architect/Engineer firm se-lected for the Construction phase will initiate the implementation and con-struction phase to consist of the fol-lowing services: 1. Hold a group meeting with building owners to explain the con-struction process for facade rehabili-tation under this program. During the project: . The selected firm will work from planning documents and schematic designs and cost estimates created during the planning phase of this pro-ject. The firm should assume the building owners and town personnel are neither technically trained nor fa-miliar with the history of the project when discussing the project. . The planning documents summa-rizing the description of the issues leading to the study, the discussion of the alternatives, the recommended ac-tions, and cost estimates will be pro-vided to the selected firm. Construction Documents Phase: Upon authorization to proceed, de-velop Construction Documents de-picting the proposed facade rehabili-tation and repair treatments based upon the owner/tenant approvals of the schematic design documents as follows: 1. Develop Construction Docu-ments consisting of drawings (partial plans, elevations, sections and de- tails) and specifications depicting the proposed facade and building im-provements. The improvements will be designed to comply with the Secre-tary of Interior's "Standards and Guidelines for the Treatment of His-toric Properties." 2. Submit the Construction Docu-ments for final owner/tenant review and approval. Revise the Construc-tion Documents as applicable. 3. Present the final Construction Documents to representatives of the Town, Brookville Historic Review Board, Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, and Administrative Resources association (ARa) for ap-proval. 4. Upon local approval, submit the final Construction Documents to the Indiana Division of Historic Preserva-tion and Archaeology (DHPA) related to Section 106 Review compliance re-quirements and to the Indiana De-partment of Homeland Security for their review and permitting as appli-cable. Respond to any requests for ad-ditional information and/or revisions. Bidding Phase: During this phase of the project, the firm will assist the Town and ARa with the solicitation for and selection of a general contractor for the con-struction. As such providing the fol-lowing services: 1. Assist with required public no-tices for receipt of construction bids. 2. Facilitate the distribution of Con-struction Documents to prospective bidders. 3. Facilitate an on-site pre-bid con-ference with prospective bidders, an-swer questions and provide bid ad-dendum, as applicable. 4. Assist in the review, tabulation and evaluation of general contractor bids. Construction Phase: Due to funding, the construction work will be bid in one phase. During the Construction Phase: 1. Facilitate an on-site pre-construction conference(s) with the selected general contractor and appli-cable sub-contractors. 2. Attend bi-weekly construction progress meetings to be run by the general contractor and to include rep-resentatives from the Town and ARa. For Construction Phase include atten-dance at up to eighteen (18) meetings. Each meeting will be followed by writ-ten meeting summaries. 3. Confirm construction schedule and establish process for submittal and review of shop drawings, product submittals, requests for information, and contractor application for pay- ment. Upon substantial completion, com-pile punch list inspection reports and complete a final inspection at project close-out. For Construction include two (2) site visits to compile the punch list and one (1) site visit for the final in-spection. Type of Contract The Town of Brookville will exe-cute a firm, fixed-price contract for these services that is contingent on the final commitment of grant fund-ing. Federal Requirements Prospective offerors should note the successful proposer must meet the following terms and conditions: 1. 24 CFR Part 85.36. 2. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 3. Conflict of Interest (24 CFR Part 570). 4. Access to records. 5. Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity 6. Executive Order 12138 - Women Business Enterprise Policy. 7. Architectural Barrier Act of 1968. 8. Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 9. Section 3 Clause - Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. 10. Section 504 - Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 11. Retention and Custodial Re-quirements (24 CFR Part 85.42). 12. Executive Order 11063. 13. Affirmative Action Program / Plan. 14. Davis Bacon and Related Acts. Grant Support has a 1 0 % MBE/WBE goal for all projects funded with Community Develop-ment Block Grant Funds. Requirements for Statement of Qualifications 34-1tcB Trial Continued from Page 1 to Retain and Seize Fire-arms and Request for Hearing was filed in the Franklin County Cir-cuit Court against Chetwood. A Probable Cause Affidavit was also filed stating Chetwood was a law enforcement officer with the Dear-born County Sheriff's Department and was be-lieved to be a "danger- ous individual." As a re-sult, on Dec. 1, 2020, the following firearms were seized from Chetwood's home, including: Remington 30-06 Bolt action rifle; CZ-USA 12 Gauge shot-gun; Sig-Sauer P229 hand-gun; Beretta 92fs handgun; Kimber 1911 style Budget Continued from Page 1 low-pay of county em-ployees statewide was discussed, prompting the state to commis-sion a wage study. She requested a 40-hour workweek in her office, up from the current 32.5 hours, and either an additional full-time employee or an in-crease in part-time funding. Beneker cur-rently has a part-time job posted at $14 and hour and has been un-able to find a suitable applicant; a full-time ad may bring better ap-plications. Patterson asked if the office was open four days per week. Beneker replied her of-fice is open the 32.5 hours per week her staff is allotted in four days each week. Beneker shared she worked a part-time job last year in addition to her role as treasurer, but would prefer to work 40 hours in her of-fice. Patterson asked if 40 hours would open the office five days per week; she replied it would. He asked if the office was supposed to 7. A project time line. The statement of qualifications shall also provide the following infor-mation: name, title, address and tele-phone number of individuals with au-thority to negotiate and bind the pro-poser contractually, and who may be contacted during the period of evalua-tion. Evaluation Criteria 1. Specialized experience or tech-nical expertise of the organization and its personnel in connection with the scope of services to be provided and complexity of the project (30pts). 2. Capacity of the organization to perform the work within time limita-tions, taking into consideration the current planned workload of the firm (30 pts). 3. Past record of performance on contracts, including quality of work, timeliness and cost control (25pts). 4. Familiarity of the organization with this type of project or problems applicable to the project (15pts Each Statement of Qualification will be reviewed for completeness and clarity according to the above criteria. Interviews are expected to be held in mid-to late September. The Town of Brookville may or may not negotiate the fee schedule with one or more offers. The Town re-serves the right to reject any and/or all responses. The Town is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Offerors may desire additional information, a site visit or clarification regarding the Statement of Qualification. If so, please contact Tara Hagan of ARa at (812) 376- 9949. Curtis Ward Town Council President


Roads / Highways


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Paving, Site Work

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September 12, 2023


Main St, Brookville, IN

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