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Published September 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Carlisle Brks, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

BASE SCOPE OF WORK: Contractor to verify location of hazardous materials as surveyed on the attached hazardous materials survey and fully abate the mechanical room space adhering to all Federal, State, County, local laws and Army regulations before commencing HVAC upgrade work. Contractor will remove and properly discard of the three (3) existing air handling units. Disposal of existing air handlers shall be conducted pursuant to Federal, State, County, local laws and Army regulations. Removal of existing AHU's to also include all associated plenum ductwork, transitions, control dampers, actuators, and any other items to perform a complete demolition. Contractor will clean all existing ductwork within the store while the AHU's are not in place. Contractor will replace the existing three (3) AHU's with new units of the same capacity adjusted as needed to meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1. New units will have VFDs and include heat recovery devices. New unit install will include all associated ductwork and plumbing to reconnect the new AHU's to the existing distribution systems. Contractor will remove existing pneumatic controls system and replace with a new electronic controls system. As a part of the system design, contractor will be sure to determine air return requirements and replace or remove the existing, unused return air fans. If not required the existing units shall be removed, discarded and related ductwork blocked off. The contractor shall control outdoor air based on Carbon Dioxide sensors located throughout the spaces and shall incorporate an airside economizer. Contractor will perform all necessary testing, balancing, and commissioning of the upgraded HVAC system. The Carlisle Barracks PX is to remain operational for the duration of construction, therefore contractor shall perform the project in a phased manner to minimize disruption of the operation of the store. Contractor will take all necessary measures to minimize dust migration into public areas of the store. Contractor shall have a full time on-site Site Superintendent (SS), Quality Control Manager (QCM) and Site Safety Health Officer (SSHO). The SSHO is not a dual hatted role and shall be a standalone personnel requirement. The SSHO shall be a corporate assigned employee that reports directly to corporate leadership that fully meet the requirements of EM385-1-1, Section 01.A General, sub section 01.A.17. The Contractor shall employ a minimum of one Competent Person (CP) at each project site to function as the SSHO. All permits and fees are the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be included in the base price. complete the entire work ready for use not later than 365 days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed.




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation

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September 7, 2022

October 10, 2022


22 Ashburn Dr, Carlisle Brks, PA

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