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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The city of Rocky Mount has been awarded grant funding from the NCDEQ to assist in the completion of a Wastewater Collection System Asset Inventory and Assessment (AIA). The city invites submittal of responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQu) from firms qualified in the State of North Carolina to perform engineering services. BACKGROUND The city of Rocky Mount owns and operates a wastewater collection system under Permit #WQCS000011 issued by the State of North Carolina. The city collects approximately 13 million gallons of wastewater daily and transports it through 413.8 miles of gravity collection lines, 23.1miles of force mains, and 33 lift stations. This collection system receives wastewater from five municipalities and parts of Nash and Edge combe counties. The collection system discharges to the Tar River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant is permitted to treat twenty-one (21) million gallons per day of wastewater by a pure oxygen activated sludge process using the Air Products "A2O OASES" biological nutrient removal process which provides both nitrification (conversion of ammonia to nitrates) and denitrification (conversion of nitrates to gaseous nitrogen). The effluent is filtered and disinfected before being returned to the Tar River. The city was awarded funds for an AIA of the wastewater utility in August 2022. It is expected that this project will take approximately 18-24 months to complete once a contract is awarded. III. OBJECTIVE OF THE REQUEST The purpose of this RFQu is to select the firm determined to be best able to provide the required Professional Engineering Services based on the criteria specified herein and to generally set forth the terms and conditions whereby the City of Rocky Mount will contract with the selected firm. The Request for Qualifications packet submitted, and possible subsequent interviews shall serve as the basis for selection. The information provided in the RFQu package from the City is intended to give information to the prospective firms concerning the required services and the basis for awarding of the agreement for engineering services. It is not necessarily intended to completely define the selection criteria or contractual relationship to be entered into by the City of Rocky Mount and the successful firm(s). The contracted services may include, but are not limited to the following: A. Complete inventory of sanitary sewer system and update system mapping. o Assess current mapping and system data. o Design database for GIS data collection and ongoing management. o Complete a thorough survey and assessment of system components. o Create GIS mapping and files for entire system. o Develop a flow model for each pump station and an overall sewer model for the entire system. B. Flow tracking to assess current capacity and to identify major sources of Inflow and Infiltration o Track flow at strategic locations to identify current conditions and future growth limitations. o Narrow down primary locations of I/I with flow tracking at agreed upon manholes. o Develop recommendations and strategies for improving I/I issue. C. Develop an Asset Management Plan. o Utilizing assessment data from mapping, create a risk analysis. o Determine condition of critical system components. o Create a recommended Capital Improvement Plan priorities/needs list to include anticipated costs for infrastructure and ongoing operations and maintenance. o Set groundwork for upcoming rate study tied to existing system. o Examine possibilities for system expansion with general recommendations. Questions received prior to the submission deadline date, the Purchasing Manager's response, and any additional terms deemed necessary by the City of Rocky Mount will be posted in the form of an addendum to the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS), and the City of Rocky Mount website and shall become an Addendum to this RFQ. No information, instruction or advice provided orally or informally by any City personnel, whether made in response to a question or otherwise concerning this RFQ u, shall be considered authoritative or binding. Vendors shall rely only on written material contained in an Addendum to this RFQ Inquiries should be submitted no later than the date and time noted in the schedule on page 3. Questions answered verbally will be followed up by written addenda as deemed necessary; oral interpretations shall have no effect. SELECTION CRITERIA Respondents should address each of the evaluation criteria listed below and provide specific examples of projects they have undertaken that demonstrate their qualifications. Response document shall be no more than 20 printed pages (double sided), excluding cover, cover letter, and table of contents, which may or may not be provided at the discretion of the respondent. METHOD OF AWARD The City reserves the right to award this contract to the firm that it believes best demonstrates the ability to fulfil the requirements of the project. The successful firm(s) will be chosen based on the qualifications, selection criteria evaluation as demonstrated in the response, possible interviews and other available information. All firms submitting a response will receive notification once the contract has been awarded. The firm(s) selected will be given the first right to negotiate an Agreement acceptable to the City. A detailed scope of work will be collaboratively developed by the selected firm and the City to base the fee schedule upon for the City's consideration. In the event that an Agreement satisfactory to the City cannot be reached, the City may enter into negotiations with one or more of the remaining firms. The successful firm shall commence work only after execution of an acceptable Agreement and approval of insurance certificates. The successful firm(s) will perform all services indicated in the response in compliance with the negotiated Agreement.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 6, 2023


Multiple Locations, Rocky Mount, NC

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