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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in N Sullivan, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Regional School Unit (RSU) #24 is accepting bids for snow plowing and salting services at Sumner Memorial High School. Required plowing and/or salting must be completed in the early morning prior to scheduled student, staff, and/or bus arrival and departure times. Services are required whenever conditions dictate, whether or not associated with a storm. Areas to be plowed and/or salted will include driveways, access roads, and parking areas. Prospective bidders should contact Facilities & Operations Manager, Janet Jordan, at 422-2017, Ext. 107 or jjordan@rsu24.org for site specific plowing/ salting instructions before preparing quotes as the site has undergone major construction changes including an increase in size and dimension of plowable areas. The contract period for Sumner Memorial High School is for one (1) season only (2022-2023), due to pending changes in the driveway and parking area configurations during the construction of our new school. Bids must be expressed in terms of a price per season. Payment will be made in six (6) installments, one each in the months of November, December, January, February, March, and April. All equipment to complete the work must be provided by the bidder and be reflected in the bid price. Bidders must indicate the type of equipment that they propose to use and provide assurances that they have contingencies in the case of equipment malfunction or breakdown or to deal with heavy snowfall. Bidders must have access to front end loaders and/or other sufficient equipment to move/ or remove excessive snow when requested. There are no specific bid documents. Quotes may be provided on letterhead or stationary. Bidders must provide proof of General Liability Insurance coverage of not less than $1,000,000 / each occurrence with the bid documents. Regional School Unit #24 reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept and/or reject any and all bids.




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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2456 US-1, N Sullivan, ME

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