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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Henderson County requests proposals to provide a turnkey project inclusive of all labor, materials, supervision, disposal fees, permits, inspections, etc., to install cabling and fiber inclusive of, but not limited to, switches, racks, jacks, patch panels, J hooks, cameras, and appliances for the new Video Management System (S2 NetVR), deployed and integrated into the existing S2 Enterprise system, across the HCPS district. For reference and building familiarity, the camera locations are marked on the included drawings and specifications for the project are attached Scope of Work: 1. Furnish the necessary supervision, labor, tools, equipment, and materials to complete the required work as outlined in the "Detailed Scope of Work" and as listed on the drawings provided, plus the specifications discussed, per the pre-bid meeting directions/instructions. 2. Obtain any required permits 3. Restore all disturbed areas affected by the work and remove trash daily to a designated dumpster 4. Work schedule limitations to be directed per site, to adhere to the cohesiveness of school schedules and events. 5. A sales tax report will be required for the awarded bidder for each pay application/invoice Last Day for Questions: September 23, 2022 @ 1:00 pm. Questions must be received in written Form by the date and time indicated. Submit all questions to Bryan Rhodes @ 6. Include Bid security in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the base bid. 7. Performance and Payment bond for 100% of the base bid are required for proposals over $300,000.00. 8. Include the appropriate MWBE forms with the proposal. Henderson County reserves the right to reject any and / or all bids, and to waive any bid informalities in so far as it is authorized to do so. Qualified contractors interested in bidding on this project may contact Bryan Rhodes @




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Multiple Locations, Hendersonville, NC

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