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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and asbestos abatement for a mixed-use development in Arlington, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility; for asbestos abatement for a municipal facility; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

** This project has been awarded to Affordable Environmental, Inc. ** The City of Arlington (CITY) is issuing this Request for Bid (Project PO2-500.2) from qualified contracting firms for the Facilities Asbestos Abatement Project, as described in this Request for Bid. The firm with the successful bid (CONTRACTOR) shall perform this work during established City of Arlington working days and times; Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, excluding City recognized holidays. Though not a requirement, bidders are encouraged to register with the Project Administrator to be apprised of any Request for Bid addendums. More information on bid requirements can be found in Attachment #1, Instruction to Bidders. All Request for Bid questions shall be submitted in writing to the Project Administrator by September 7, 2022; questions received after this date may not be responded to. SCOPE OF WORK: The Work for this project entails the full and complete removal of asbestos and asbestos containing material from City buildings (a total of two structures) located near 115 West Haller Ave and at 208 West Cox Ave. Complete and full removal includes the removal and disposal of all aspects of the structure, foundation, and all above ground utility appurtenances that contain asbestos material. Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) shall be removed from the structures by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor and disposed of at a state licensed disposal facility permitted to accept ACM. Removal and disposal may be completed by structure relocation, by select salvage and asset recovery, or by demolition and disposal. Additional requirements: - Work shall be scheduled and performed in compliance with all federal, state, and local health, safety, and environmental regulations. - Contractor is responsible for adhering to all state safety requirements and making sure all necessary safety certifications on workers are current. - The structures were surveyed for ACM, please refer to the Asbestos Survey Report for more information. - Contractor shall provide the asbestos abatement and removal plan to the City prior to removing any ACM and must notify the Washington State Department of Labor & Industry of any asbestos abatement work a minimum of 10 days prior to commencing abatement work. - Contractor shall provide copies of certificates and licenses of all workers who will be handling asbestos as part of this project. - Contractor will provide the City with a certificate of disposal for all removed and disposed ACM. - Contractor will remove and properly dispose of all non-hazardous debris generated from performing this abatement work in compliance with County and state regulations. - Contractor will catalogue and record all salvaged material, if any, generated from performing this work. - Work to be performed under this contract is subject to prevailing wage. - Contractor will obtain all required permits and provide copies of the permits to the City before starting work. - Contractor shall contact 811 for locates prior to construction. - Prior to starting work CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City for approval the names of all subcontractors that will be working on this project. - Prior to starting work CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City for approval a project schedule and call for Underground Utility Locates (Utility Notification Center 811). - The CONTRACTOR shall be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site, including safety of all persons and property during and after work hours. The CONTRACTOR must take all precautions and measures necessary to protect all existing structures and infrastructure; including the roadway, sidewalks, utilities and buffer areas.




Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Site Work

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