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Published October 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Burlington, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the construction of a 1,500-square-foot, two-story above grade educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays before the final time set for receipt of bids, as well as bids received after the final time set for receipt of bids, will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Qualification Statement must detail similar successful project completions, contractor's history and financial condition. Contractors must submit Qualification Statement no less than 7 days prior to date of bid opening to be included on bid list. Plans and specifications are also on file at the Autry Technology Center "Plan Room", and various construction news agencies. Digital copies of construction documents are available from the Architect for qualified bidders at no cost. Business Relationships Affidavit, Non-Collusion Affidavit and cashiers check, certified check, Surety Bid Bond, or an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the base bid as a guaranty shall accompany the sealed proposal of each bidder. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The successful bidder will be required to submit statutory Payment, Performance, Defect and Maintenance Bonds for projects with a cost more than $99,999.99. For projects with a cost more than this amount, bonds must be provided prior to commencing work on the project. The awarded contract will contain a provision requiring the successful bidder to periodically provide during the performance of the Project a signed "Contractor Compliance Statement" declaring that no employee working on the school premises during normal school hours is convicted in this state, the United States, or another state of: (1) any sex offense subject to the Sex Offenders Registration Act or the Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act in this state or similar law of another state's or the federal sex offender registration provisions; or (2) any unpardoned felony offense within the last ten (10) years. The prohibition against permitting employees convicted of a felony offense to work on school premises will not be applicable if the person is a volunteer or performing community service hours under a court order or performing services under a supervised work release program or when ten (10) years have elapsed since the date of the criminal conviction or if the employee has received a pardon for the criminal offense. The successful bidder will be required to obtain signed "Subcontractor Compliance Statements" from all subcontractors on the project. The submission of executed compliance statements will be a condition to receiving periodic and final payments on the contract sum. For purposes of your bid, do not include any local or state sales tax. The Owner will appoint the successful bidder its agent for the purpose of receiving tax exempt status on purchase of materials for this Contract only. Authority Oklahoma Statute Article 68 Paragraph 1356, 1983.




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401 Main St, Burlington, OK

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