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Published September 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Richfield, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Scope of work at all areas of FSK (foil scrim kraft) paper over batt insulation: 1. Review all wall and ceiling areas for damaged or missing FSK paper and batt insulation. 2. Replace any missing or damaged batt insulation with new insulation to match the type and thickness of the adjacent insulation. 3. Remove any damaged FSK paper and replace with new FSK paper. Install adhesive on all interior surfaces of the FSK paper. Install per manufacturer's instructions. 4. At locations where existing FSK paper has partially separated from the insulation and framing, reinstall the existing FSK paper if it is in good condition and not damaged. Install adhesive on all interior surfaces of the FSK paper. Install per manufacturer's instructions. 5. Verify that all areas of insulation are covered with new or existing FSK paper to create a tight vapor barrier with no gaps or loose edges. 6. At all wall and ceiling areas with new or existing FSK paper, install #8 x 3/4" truss-head self-drilling screw with 1 1/4" fender washer 16 inches on center at all framing members behind the FSK paper. At all perimeter ends/edges of the FSK paper, install the screws at 12 inches on center within 2 inches of the ends/edges of the FSK paper. 7. Apply flat black paint to match the existing paint at all areas of FSK paper that are not already coated with a solid, opaque, black paint layer. Touch up paint any existing painted areas that do not have a full consistent opaque black finish. The FSK paper on walls above the rigging level is not required to be painted. The FSK paper on the ceiling is not required to be painted. 8. Paint all new and existing fasteners (screws, washers, etc.) flat black to match the existing paint. The screws on walls above the rigging level are not required to be painted. The screws on the ceiling are not required to be painted. 9. Mask all areas to eliminate overspray. Remove any overspray paint from the adjacent surfaces and flooring surfaces. Questions Deadline: Friday, August 26, 2022 2:00 PM, EMAIL TO mmirabella@utah.gov DFCM General Conditions 08032020




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800 W 200 S, Richfield, UT

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