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Published August 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Waterville, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SCOPE OF WORK: The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the dismantling of woven wire deer exclosures at specifically designated locations in Forest District 12, Clinton and Lycoming Counties. Project reference numbers: 122109, 122110, 122111, and 122112 The Department estimates the total exclosures dismantling during the contract term as follows: Forest District 12: Four (4) exclosures for an estimated total of 26,686 lineal feet See Attachments A-Topographic Maps of Exclosure Locations and B-Deer Exclosure Dismantle Severity Sheets for specific project numbers, acres per exclosure, approximate lineal footage, and district determination on degree of difficulty (moderate or severe). The contractor's per lineal foot price must include all materials, labor, equipment, tools, insurance, and any other items necessary for completion of the project. Any questions regarding the technical aspect of this bid should be directed to Joe Tate at 717.783.7990 or jotate@pa.gov. Questions regarding the bidding or contracting procedures should be directed to Jody Russell at 717.783.2566 or jorussell@pa.gov. B. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: The Department will furnish personnel to supervise and direct the deer fence dismantling operations in the following capacities: 1. PROGRAM SUPERVISOR - The Chief of the Silviculture Section or his designee is responsible for the overall operation of deer fence dismantles and represents the Department in settling minor contractual matters. Robert Beleski DCNR - Bureau of Forestry, Silviculture Section P.O. Box 8552 Harrisburg, PA 17105 Phone: 717.783.7932 Fax: 717.783.5109 2. MONITORING SPECIALIST - This person is responsible for troubleshooting problems for the completion of fence dismantles. Joseph Tate DCNR - Bureau of Forestry, Silviculture Section P.O. Box 8552 Harrisburg, PA 17105 Phone: 717.783.7990 Fax: 717.783.5109 3. FIELD CONTRACT COORDINATOR - These persons are Forest District Managers (District Foresters) or their designee who serve as the Department's field liaison with the Contractor and are responsible for reviewing and approving/disapproving the deer fence exclosures dismantling operations. This person is responsible for coordinating the activities of all people working on the program within a forest district and communicating with the Contractor's project supervisor concerning any operational problems or changes in plans. This person also provides regular reports of the fence dismantlings to the Monitoring Specialist. Forest District 12: Jason Stellfox reachable at 570.753.5409 or jstellfox@pa.gov C. CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS: 1. PROJECT SUPERVISOR - The Contractor must designate one of its personnel to serve as the onsite project supervisor and to represent the company in all contractual matters that require prompt attention. This person must be familiar with all equipment being used to complete project tasks. The Contractor is required to keep the Field Contract Coordinator currently informed of their work schedule and physical location of their work force to permit ready location and timely inspection of the accomplished work. The Contractor must also notify the Field Contract Coordinator at least monthly of the progress being attained on the projects. This notification can be oral or written. 2. GROUND-SUPPORT PERSONNEL - All ground-support personnel must be familiar with all equipment. All personnel provided by the Contractor must be able to communicate effectively in English. D. LOCATIONS: Detailed topographic maps with the locations, lineal feet, acreages, and other details of each deer fence exclosure are provided in Attachment A. For further location information and dismantling specifics, please contact the corresponding Field Contract Coordinator. Forest District 12: Jason Stellfox reachable at 570.753.5409 or jstellfox@pa.gov SITE INSPECTIONS: Forest Districts will not hold a mandatory site inspection. However, it is strongly recommended for contractors to review each project area to determine the best means and costs of dismantling the woven wire deer exclosures in the woods, as per the Dismantling Woven Wire Deer Exclosure Specifications in Section M. Statement of Work. The Field Contract Coordinator or their designee can assist prospective bidders in locating and viewing the project sites, assessment of topography, site challenges, and Department Severity ratings. To make arrangements for a site inspection, contact the corresponding Field Contract Coordinator listed in Section D. Locations. F. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: 1. This invitation for bid (IFB) is reserved for the Small Business Procurement Initiative as designated in Executive Order 211-09 dated November 21, 2011. Only Self Certified Small Businesses which have been certified by the Department of General Services prior to the bid opening date and time submit a response to this IFB. Your self-certification form from the Department of General Services must be submitted along with your IFB response. Failure to produce a valid Self Certified Small Business certificate (which must be dated prior to the opening date of this IFB) will render your submission non-responsive.


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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F.D 12 Deer Fence Dismantle Project 22D-5

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