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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Ottawa, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The National Capital Commission (NCC) is a Crown Corporation of the Government of Canada responsible for the planning, development, preservation, safeguarding and promotion of Canada's Capital. The pride of Canada's Capital Region is the Rideau Canal, which stretches 202 kilometres from Ottawa to Kingston. It was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in June 2007. Each winter a portion of this historic waterway is transformed into the world's largest skating rink. Crowds of skaters and outdoor enthusiasts from all over Canada and the world, enjoy the 7.8-kilometre ice surface that winds through the heart of Ottawa. In 2005, Guinness World Records confirmed that the Rideau Canal Skateway (RCS) was indeed the "Largest Naturally Frozen Ice Rink in the World" with 165,621 square meters of skating surface. The skating season may start in early January, weather permitting and when the ice thickness standards have been reached. The NCC Ice Safety Committee experts assess the ice thickness before the official opening of the RCS can be announced. This Committee continuously monitors ice conditions throughout the skating season and during special events. The National Capital Commission (NCC) requires services necessary for the transportation, handling, installation and removal of stairs, access ramps and small support structures necessary for the operation of the Rideau Canal Skateway. The NCC is contracting out the provision of these services with the objective of obtaining high standards of service excellence. The Work required is summarized below, but not limited to the following: - The handling, transportation, lifting, installation and removal of the Components described in section 4 of the Statement of Work. - To supply qualified personnel as required in order executing the Work contained herein. - To supply equipment, vehicles, materials and specialized tools as required by the tasks described herein. - To provide detailed Predictive Maintenance reports as per section 5 of the Statement of Work. - To provide Predictive, Preventive and Reactive Maintenance services as requested and approved by the NCC. This Contract is for a five (5) Year Term commencing on signing of the Contract and ending on May 30th, 2027. Documents can be obtained at: https://canadabuys.canada.ca/en/tender-opportunities/tender-notice/pw-22-01005695


Water / Sewer

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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