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Published October 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of an educational facility in Martinsville, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

**As of October 31,2022, project was awarded to Concepts & Coordination, LLC, awarded amount is $21,346.12.** Patrick and Henry Community College, 645 Patriot Ave, Martinsville, VA 24112, seeks a qualified vendor to create and install the following interior wall and exterior wall mounted signage. Questions regarding this Quick Quote will be accepted until 2:30 p.m. on 9/20/2022. Vendors that ask questions or seek additional information regarding this bid from any personnel at the Institution named shall have its bid be deemed nonresponsive. All pricing shall be all-inclusive, including shipping, fees, and warranty costs. Award will be made on a Grand Total basis. Blank or no bid line items shall require that the entire bid be considered non-responsive. All items shall be new and in original packaging. Manufacturers warranty shall transfer ownership to the Commonwealth of Virginia. For Services: The awarded vendor shall provide a valid Certificate of Insurance (COI) 10 days prior to work beginning on any state owned or controlled property. Vendors that fail to provide a COI that meets the Commonwealths requirements as outlined in the Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual (APSPM) and Vendors Manual will not be allowed to commence work. The Terms and Conditions provided in this quick quote are mandatory, Bidder shall NOT submit their own terms and conditions with quote, if so vendors bid will be considered non-responsive. Vendor shall arrange delivery and installation of these items to the following location no later than the end of business on Monday, November 21, 2022: Patrick and Henry Community College, MET II Complex, 67 Motorsports Drive Martinsville, VA 24112 The sole contact for questions related to this solicitation will be Jesse Case, via email: jcase@ssc.vccs.edu. Payment will be made to the awarded vendor in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia Prompt Payment Act. Invoice(s) shall be emailed to invoice@ssc.vccs.edu or mailed to the address below, referencing any purchase order numbers that result from this solicitation. Virginia Community College Shared Services Center Attn: Accounts Payable 147 Daleville Centre Drive Daleville, VA 24083 The contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, parts and materials, as necessary, to perform the following service(s): EXTERIOR - QTY 1 1. P&HCC logo in precision cut aluminum (drawing attached) 2. Aluminum to be 3/8" brushed clear coat finish with white painted details 3. Compass to be fabricated in two sections - horizontal cut across the center 4. Grain direction: vertical 5. Mounted to prefinished aluminum curtain wall system with insulated glazing (detail attached) INTERIOR - QTY 1 1. P&HCC logo compass only in precision cut aluminum (drawing attached) 2. Aluminum to be 3/8" brushed clear coat finish with white painted details 3. Compass to be fabricated in two sections - horizontal cut across the center 4. Grain direction: vertical 5. Mounted to wall: 5/8" GWB on 3 5/8" metal studs @ 16" OC




Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work

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September 26, 2022

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67 Motorsports Dr, Martinsville, VA

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