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Published November 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Shawinigan, Quebec. Completed plans call for the construction of a 259,200-square-foot, four-story above grade municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Reference Number : 1634409 Review Title : New Federal Building (PWGSC) - Plumbing/Piping and Insulation The objective of this project is to construct a new building with a gross area of approximately 24,000 m2, owned by the State, in order to provide new premises in support of certain government programs. This new building will be built on the site of the current CNVR . Pomerleau Inc., as construction manager for the project mentioned in title, for the Owner, Public Services Procurement Canada, is pleased to invite you to bid on the work of lot L2205/L2306_Plomberie/piping et lagging . Tenderers interested in participating in this call for tenders must obtain all plans and tender documents from the Electronic Tendering Site or via the Constructbuy platform, subject to the applicable conditions of the Site (s. Tenders must be accompanied by a tender guarantee or a letter of credit whose designated beneficiary will be Pomerleau inc., construction manager for a value of 10% of the amount of the tender, payable to the order of Pomerleau inc., construction manager. For any questions relating to the submission, please submit your requests by email to negcs@pomerleau.ca . Questions must be addressed at least 5 days before the bid closing date . Description of work (partial): The Specialized Contractor must collaborate actively with Pomerleau Inc., construction manager, the Consultants as well as with the other Specialized Contractors from the start of his work, in order to properly integrate and coordinate his work with that of the other Specialized Contractors. The Specialized Contractor must represent this coordination on a 3D Revit model. A model prepared by the consultants including the axes, levels, basic elements of the structure and the architecture, will serve as a reference for the construction of the complete model by the specialized Contractors. Representations of the main mechanical and electrical elements will be included in this Revit 3D model. The specialized contractor will have to complete the interdisciplinary coordination, and the model should be a faithful representation of this coordination. Pomerleau Inc., construction manager will provide the necessary support to the specialized contractors participating in the BIM coordination throughout the project. At the date of bid closing, the Bidder must hold a valid organization security clearance as indicated in SC01 of the main contract. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the bid non-responsive and no consideration will be given to the bid. The work of this lot incorporates all of the elements included in the plans and specifications of the lots identified L2205 and L2306. The documents must be read together to ensure the completion of a complete and functional work; All plumbing, heating, cooling, balancing and balancing (ERE) work; All under-slab plumbing work; All insulation work relating to the work included in this call for tenders; Timeline: The specialized contractor undertakes to complete all the work of this Invitation to Tender according to the details below: The shop drawings must be submitted (20) days following receipt of the letter of award. This is expected to be issued by the end of November 2022; The timeline is summarized as follows: Electromechanical coordination November 2022 to July 2023; Start of work under the slab: Spring 2023 Start of electromechanical work: August 2023 to August 2024; Commissioning: August 2024 to December 2024; All work in this call for tenders must be completed no later than December 4, 2024; The completion schedule can be found in the appendix to this call for tenders MANDATORY SECURITY REQUIREMENT This procurement is subject to a mandatory security requirement. At the bid closing date, the bidder must hold a security clearance at the "reliability" level resulting from a designated organization screening. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the bid non-responsive and the bid will be rejected.




Public - Federal

New Construction, Site Work

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November 1, 2022

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4695 Boulevard de Shawinigan-Sud, Shawinigan, QC

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