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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Bellevue, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Project No.: 20214385.001A 30-Inch Transmission Main Crossing Highway 287 and Along Lone Star Road The deadline to ask questions is 9/21/2022 2:00 PM CST A cashier's check or acceptable Bidder's Bond for 5% of the bid amount must accompany each bid, as well as a completed Conflict of Interest Questionnaire as required by state law. The successful bidder will be required to provide performance and payment bonds, maintenance bond and insurance as detailed in the Contract Documents. Computer-generated bids will be accepted as detailed in the Contract Documents. Plans, Contract Documents and the Engineer's Project Cost Estimate may be downloaded or viewed free of charge by registering at this electronically. It is the downloader's responsibility to determine that a complete set of documents, as defined in the instructions to Bidders, is received. Printed copies of the Plans and Contract Documents may be purchased at electronically. This will be updated with addenda, plan holders lists, bid tabulations, additional reports or other information relevant to bidding the Project. Two pipe alternatives (AWWA C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe) are included in the bid. The project is incentivized with an accelerated schedule as shown in the Agreement. Award will be based on Lowest & Best according to the proposed cost, schedule, and qualifications. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: - Construct 11 Lf of 8 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe By Open Cut - Construct 105 Lf of 12 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe by Open Cut - Construct 77 Lf of 18 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe By Open Cut - Construct 22 Lf of 20 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe By Open Cut - Construct 22 Lf of 24 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe By Open Cut - Construct 3,211 Lf of 30 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Pipe by Open Cut - Construct 739 Lf of 30 Awwa C303 or C200 Pressure Water Carrier Pipe With Annular Grout by Other Than Open Cut - Construct 739 Lf of 48 Dia. Steel Casing by Other Than Open Cut - Construct One Access Manway by 18 Flanged Outlet With 60" Precast Manhole The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only part is generally described as follows: 30-inch Transmission Main Crossing Highway 287 and Along Lone Star Road Bidder is required to provide pipe material submittal with bid, including proposed material selection and anticipated schedule for pipe order and delivery and will be part of the consideration of the bid award selection. Contractor is encouraged to proceed with the purchase order for pipeline materials upon receipt of Letter of Award. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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September 22, 2022

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US-287 & Lone Star Rd, Bellevue, TX

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